Sadly nowadays one doesn’t swim in the sea, you just go through the motions, well its true of UK beaches
I dont know, why cant you fill from the hose?
To understand your water chemistry more so I can a better answer I need better test results. Free chlorine, pH (slightly more info than rasberry) total alkalinity, calcium hardness and cyanuric acid level. What method are you testing with at the moment?
What do you think of them? Not personally come across them.
I haven’t used them but one of my distant neighbours has them in his pool, I’ll ask about them as he has had them for two years.
Sorry, I was not clear. Of course I fill from the hose! I use the little testing tubes. This morning, the “raspberry” had gone, and the ph was at ideal. This all seems to change a lot with rain etc; I’ll just do the best I can. Thanks.
That’s the point I was trying to make, pH shouldnt vary that much. Cant say anymore without a full test as all those parameters I mentioned interact with varying effects on the water. The water in your area can be completely different from someone 30kms away as I found when working in France.
The tester you have is the 2 test tube set? Phenol red for pH is accurate enough but the chlorine side, only measures total chlorine so not very useful as you can have 0 free chlorine and 4ppm of combined (spent) chlorine and all you will know is 4ppm of chlorine and no idea why the pool is turning green.
ph seems settled, but the chlorine varies with rain! and what comes from our water supply. Still, I don’t have a green pool. As always thanks for your input, you are very knowledgeable…
When I had a pool, I used to use DPD 1 to measure free chlorine (I think )
Yep thats the standard for free chlorine.
Kate - Many moons ago, I was like you and religiously looked at my two tube tester, wondering why the pool had a mind of its own until I started to listen to Corona when he had a different web presence six years ago. Since then it has been a doddle!
You must/have to get a tester that gives you TA and Stabiliser levels, as these are what he will probably base any advice on… I use a ‘Scuba II’. I have no idea where it ranks on the ladder of testers, but it has been good to me for six years now…
My problem is not levels but keeping the build up of dirt in the pool away! Invent a sure fired way to keep this at bay, then I will say pools are childs play
Torrential rain here at least once a day for the last week which is due to continue for a few more days. Weeds now taller than me, and my pool runneth over Notwithstanding the undeniable impact of global warming, predicting what is happening regionally is an inexact science.
Agreed @Corona
It’s a bit challenging but fun.
Is there a supplier in France Corona?
I’ve just scanned Dryden Aqua’s website. My initial reaction is great tech, great stuff. I like things that just work.
It was going to be me many moons ago but I could not handle the volume required. Its now distributed by Bayrol.