Hi John, I may have mislead you about the charges.
My partner says…
The state (CPAM) pay 70% of treatment. With an ALD they pay 100% but only up to the limit that they have set for any procedure. Anything the particular hospital charges above this you, or your mutuelle is liable for.
The afternoon we left the hospital we paid 1000e which was the cost of the upgraded room, WiFi and (believe it or not) the ‘robot’. These charges were not covered by CPAM, the ALD or the mutuelle.
The hospital provided us with several devis for the operation, surgeon, anaesthetist etc which we forwarded to our mutuelle. The mutuelle then paid us (minus the amount covered by CPAM) and we paid that amount (2400e) back to the hospital at the post-op check in.
The 6000e was a figure I saw somewhere later as the total cost of everything (surgeon, anaesthetist, hospital) and we did not pay it.
That is our best understanding of the charges but I’m sure your surgeon (or his/her secretary) will clarify.
I cannot understand why anyone would be sent back to UK for terminal treatment.
The agreement between the UK and France is that the UK pays 70% of the estimated and accumulated health costs of UK citizens living in France, just as French citizens pay.
Following my case against the French authorities when I was refused leave to go to UK for treatment, the UK government changed the appendix of their agreement with the then EU to their own financial benefit, but this included doing away with the requirement for S1 holders to wait for 6 months before being allowed back into the NHS for medical treatment.
If this is a worry for you, I would try and speak with the international department of the NHS and find out the real state of affairs as I do not believe this is legal.
As I found out, French administration does not always get it right and does not even have the courtesy to apologise when they make a huge blunder.
The “they” that I mentioned is my employer who decided that it was more cost-effective for them that the patient return to the UK. One of the risks of being a posted employee.
And a thank you from me @NoelSussex for your detailed account. It may have answered a question I have had since my op around 10 years ago I think, maybe more. I wasn’t sure exactly what they had done and whether my prostate had been removed or simply reduced, but I did get the same warnings as you reguarding side effects, non of which came to pass, but my surgery was keyhole surgery so my ongoing recovery was probably much quicker. Despite the fact that I had an excruciating blood clot and had to undergo another op while still there, a total of 10 days in hospital. That was not Francheville but Perigueux CHP.
A couple of variations to your experience. I paid absolutely nothing at all for the whole deal apart from 60 odd euros for 2 specialist visits beforehand, both of which were fully refunded later. Surprising in view of the fact that the 2nd op was considered serious and urgent enough to bring in a whole team on a Sunday to do it. That may have been because I had been employed here and was thus fully in the French system, no connection to the NHS at all.
Not sure what contitutes an upgraded room, but my single bed one with toilet and shower room was provided from the outset without request. BTW, I can’t remember either if there was a telly, spent most of my time sleeping and reading I think.
I never had, nor needed, pads of any kind and still don’t now at the age of 81. So that is not a given and I hope a comfort to others approaching their later years.
A confusion may have arisen here from previous systems when UK patients were using EHIC for treatment in France. It was practice to recommend patients return to their home country (could also be in EU) when they required long term care.
This is not the system used by UK residents in France now but may still be confusing for medical practitioners who may not have been officially updated regarding immigrant specifics.
Of course, things are different when you are a posted employee and like JJ says, you are not terminal.
I am sorry that your employer was, as you say, so heartless.
It must make you feel differently as to working for them.
Best wishes as always.
It has prompted me t chase Oh doctor. Prostrate cancer runs in his family. Father passed away and older brother being treated now.
OH last Year PSA had increased but not too much. Just moved to France last Oct so first test here was Feb, socked to see PSA doubled yet Doctor has not contacted us. It was explained to him runs in the family.
OH and I had thought if nothing heard when he returns for new prescription in June would request another PSA test.
Seeing John’s post i think will be requesting Asap.
Sounds like a good idea! Although there can be benign reasons for raised levels, which I hope is the case, and I’m hoping the doubling is from 2 to 4, rather than anything more extreme. And which is why the doctor didn’t contact you. Do bear in mind that as a generality you have to be more proactive here about many health natters.
Sounds like a good idea! Although there can be benign reasons for raised levels, which I hope is the case, and I’m hoping the doubling is from 2 to 4, rather than anything more extreme. And which is why the doctor didn’t contact you. Do bear in mind that as a generality you have to be more proactive here about many health natters.
Yes Jane i agree , and ues it doubled from 2 to 4. My concern is two years sgo 1.3 say then last year 2. Something now 4 and with the family history i feel Dtr should have scheduled a repeat test. Appointment booked to discuss with Dtr and hopefully a new test will be booked.
My husbands surgeon told us, in advance, the cost for the robot, 600 euros, would not be reimbursed.
The robot wasn’t actually used, complicated op, which meant his hospital stay turned from 3/4 days to two weeks.
Pleased that you had a successful outcome