This clematis has burst into bloom in the last week. It will flower right through to March, an invaluable source of pollen and nectar for insect life during the “lean” times…
Ahh, can you see the envy in my eyes at the sight of those mushrooms !
Is that Wisley Cream, Stella?
What are those weird black ones?
Horn of plenty or abondance in English. Trompettes de la morte in French. Very tasty also easy to air dry and rehydrate later or put dry into stews or other saucy dishes 1/2 hour before serving for full texture and flavor. You can also air dry and grind to powder to use as a condiment.
I remember the days of harvesting kiwi fruit from our 3 plants that had grown up over one of the barns at our old house - they used to take forever to go soft enough to eat ! It was always a toss-up as to when to pick them, as we were never certain when the first hard frosts would hit and ruin them
I watch a neighbour… he has good instincts re frost and when he starts to harvest his kiwis… we follow suit.
Each year we trundle a couple of barrow loads of fruit down to our local school. The hard fruit are stored in frostfree conditions, in the attics of the Mairie and the kids get to eat them anytime from Christmas onwards… it just depends.
Perhaps there is a way of ripening some quicker (as and when)… quite possibly… I’ve never enquired… we’re just glad to let everyone benefit.
Put them next to some bananas
I suspect the school dinner-lady simply bides her time… and when they’re ripe… thats it…
all the kids + staff enjoy some local-grown fresh fruit… in the heart of winter…
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