I don’t think that will matter as I believe once they identify that this is a “foreign” application it will be sent to and processed by a different team. Here in the Grant Est ours were sent to Belfort. It may well be the same in other regions.
Yes, in this brave new world of Nouvelle Aquitaine, probably Bordeaux.
Thanks Jane
Well it is on its way now… You can all ’stand down’ now until my next crisis!! What would I do without this group?
Many, many thanks to you all… I shall keep you updated….
Tbh I don’t know. I think it was helpful to go with registered post with a receipt back from them. It was a little more but at least you know they have received it.
Good luck!
Hi Bluespacelover,
It’s interesting how departments differ. We weren’t asked for extra documents, but it was a nail-biting four months of silence before our attestations arrived, and about ten days turn-around to process the cards.
I too am impressed, as everyone is getting used to new ways of processing everything post-Covid.
Well I said I would keep you informed… so I sent both of our forms off registered to Perigueux Office on 27 March and since then silence until this morning - so that is about 4 weeks… And then today we both got a letter asking for more information (husband says they are being awkward, I don’t care!! It’s contact!!) and I need to provide my marriage certificate ( I thought I had), and husband needs to supply copy of his birth certificate 'non-tronque (?) which he definitely sent a copy of his full birth certificate plus first page of his passport, he only sent second page (fool!! - I am feeling very smug!). So… I am going to Perigeux tomorrow armed with EVERYTHING and seeing what they say… I am just delirously happy that I have heard anything at all… it doesn’t take much!! Just thought I would share in case it helps anybody else…
A lot of the time I don’t think the administrators recognise what our documents are as they look different from the French ones, so they shuffle past them in the file as they are searching for X and our document doesn’t look like X.
Smile, and supply what they seek again! And perhaps put a post it on the birth certificate saying it is the one with filière.
Well just received my Carte Vitale in the post today… I feel it has now been worth the wait… it has been five months from beginning to end, but I don’t think that’s bad by French standards… Ok, last question on the subject… with my broken wrist back in March I have been collecting quite a few of these brown forms after I have paid anybody (Feuille de soins?). Am I correct in believing that I can claim all or some of this money back again? I also have an S1… If so, what is the procedure… just sign and send to CPAM? Is covering letter necessary? I also have a couple of ‘Attestation de Paiement’ letters where I have made payments online and therefore never had a brown form… Do I send these also? Many thanks for any input from anybody… Jane
Presumably if you’ve got your card you’ve sent in a RIB?
So just send them all in to your CPAM. The brown feuille de soins and the print outs, having made sure you’ve filled in the details. No great need for a cover note, but no harm in attaching a list with your details on the top. And keep a copy!!
Have you registered your S1 already?
And have you opened up your online account on Ameli so you can keep an eye on everything?
Yes, Its been so long I cannot quite remember if I sent a RIB with the application or not… Presume I have… When I set up my online account today it asked me for the final bit of my RIB so presume they have the first bit… so, yes I probably have… Not sure about ‘registering the S1’… ? When would I have done that… ?
I sound a bit dense don’t I?.. Forgive me……just overload of form filling (Car/Health/Tax/Visa)… Cannot remember what I have given to whom and why anymore…
Really appreciate your help here… Thanks…
Many of us have been through something similar - you’ll get there too!
When you got it perhaps?
If you have now opened up an online Ameli account you can check. You download your attestation de droits and if the code gestion is 70 then your S1 is registered.
Thank you yet again for being that calm voice of good sense for the rest of us.
I absolutely echo that ’SuePJ’… Cannot thank you enough ‘JaneJones’… and fyi I do have the ‘’70’ on my attestation… so good news … I must have done something correctly along the line!! Have a good day everybody…
I have had a CV for about 5 years, and logged/submitted my S1 as part of the application process. However, my Ameli account attestation des droits shows the code gestion as 10 - which is régime général. Should I be concerned or ask some questions?
Yes, you should check this. You could end up with a big bill from URSAFF!
Dig out your copy and send it in again with a letter explaining that alrhough this was submitted in year X it doesn’t seem to be showing up on your attestation.
Thank you, @janejones ! What does régime général imply?
It is the most common caisse, to which many people are subscribed, so it is who deals with your social security cover. If you look at the list of codes there are loads of different ones - for SNCF workers for example. We used to be 10’s, and once a year got a bill from URSAFF for our healthcare. 6.5% of income above €20k excluding some types of income so very good value, but a bill all the same.
Good luck with getting one. Mine took 14 months despite working on the French economy and having an S1. And then I got 2 on the same day.