CdSejour On-line Portal, Info & Flow Chart 19 October '20 onwards

there was someone… reporting on here somewhere… a while ago… :thinking:

it stuck in my mind… 'cos we’d all said… to get prepared , go for it and stay with it until it’s completed… :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes: but still some folk get sidetracked… :unamused: :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

it’s ok if screen directions are followed, it’s when folk step away… regardless…

Can anyone help me out.
Is it possible for a dependant family member to join me in France and apply for a CdSejour before June 21 expiry date. I already apply online, pass through RDV and only waiting for my 10 years card.
Thanks all.

Hi, yes it is possible:
have a look at page 4 on the government flowchart for all the details:


Thanks so much.


From Europe Street News:

“… go for it and stay with it until it’s completed.”

The wifi in this cottage is connected by a signal extender to the router in my landlord’s house, 40-50m away. It drops out regularly. It reconnects in anything between 10-15 sec to 60-90 secs.

Some website pages don’t seem to mind - presumably the whole page has loaded into cache or whatever and I can scroll down to continue reading - but obviously for new data entries to ‘stick’ or to ‘continue’, there may be problems.

Any tech persons [Graham] know what the consequuences are of drop-outs like these?

If the remote server thinks you’ve gone it will drop the connection and you will have to start again.
In a case such as yours Chris, I would consider gathering your papers (with relevent copies on a USB stick perhaps) and take it to the Mairie where generally, they will let you use a public access PC to complete the task. Just remember not to allow the PC to save your private details of course.
@toryroo with her expertise in this field may have an alternative suggestion.

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Hi Christopher,
The site seems pretty forgiving, I was in the middle of doing an assisted application today and had to stop and reformat a document and then had a call I had to take so was away for a little while and fully expected to have to start again but it was fine. I’d say give it a go, it doesn’t take long to do and it may cope. If not see if you have a ‘point informatique’ in your commune, or an association that offers computers for use, or a public library. If you have a large mairie you may have a chance there but I know from trying most won’t help on their own computers.

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But did the connection drop out in that time? That’s my problem here. As Graham says, if my connection drops out, the CdS site will likewise close the link.

I was mooching around Notre-Dame-de-Cenilly on street view, having actually found the house listed on leboncoin, for once. The number of times I couldn’t move down the road till the connection came back was a p.i.t.a.

I just remembered - there’s no such thing as a cafe/bar with wifi at the mo, is there? :thinking: :frowning_face:

I imagine that you have a laptop pc. Try parking outside of a Mc Donalds if you have one near to you, the wifi is usually good.


I was hoping for something in my local town: however, it’s not poss. Everywhere is covidised. The nearest McD’s i s 14.59 kms from my home as the shell flies, on the south edge of St Lo,

As the Royal Horse Artillery, of which I am ‘E’ Battery’s ‘embedded historian’, is equipped with the AS90, taking out this McD should be no problem and, with judicious timing, should not disrupt local life at all. :pray: With a range of 25kms for standard ammo, precise elimination of this plague on the French idea and mine, of acceptable cuisine, should be a milk run. :muscle:

With the Abbott 105mm, the predecessor to the AS90, in which I spent a delightful NATO exercise, battle conditions minus live ammo, 50 years ago, we’d need the Mk 2 to be sure, at 17.5 kms max range. Might have around or two hit Lidl, which would never do.

The alternative of taking out this purveyor of illness-in-a-bun, engagement by naval gunnery, would mean running HMS Prince of Wales, as she was before being sent to Singapore to be sunk, with my uncle a lucky survivor, practically onto the beach at the mouth of the Vire. However, it might be worth a try, as P.o.W could deliver a full broadside of 7,25 tonnes of H.E every 40 sec. over 25km. No Golden Arches joint could withstand a couple of those.

Nothing to good for the blight that is McDonalds. Or KFC. and Burger King. :smile:


Have you asked at your Mairie… If they don’t have a public computer, they will probably know where there is one available… even if one has to make an appointment to use it. :thinking:

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I must admit to doing that, when traveling and I can’t get a good signal I tend to look for a McDonald’s :laughing:

Heavens above Christopher, in a country the size of France that’s the equivalent of just down the road. :slight_smile:

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Of course, Sue. I was just amusing myself, fooling around with the notion of how one might eliminate this purveyor of pap.

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Received our replacement WA CdS’ by post today (Charente 16). No mention of returning the old UE versions so we’ll pop them in the safe in case asked for later.
The new ones are less colourful (somewhat grey) than the old ones and seemingly less defined since I think they have reused the original photos but hey, who cares? We now have them in our hot sticky hands :upside_down_face:


I think they all are, I look almost like a ghostie on mine :rofl:

V’s too. Just two dark eyes staring out at the observer (I still get lost in those lovely hazel eyes of hers) :heart:

Oh you big softie :heart: under your grumpy old man shell :wink: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


What a smoothie :yum::sunglasses:

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