Censorship on the forum?

Listen here, my Boris (named after Yeltsin) when he went on a rampage... But then he was a polecat-ferret cross, so perhaps I should amend it to read 'rabid polecat-ferret cross'.

David, a 'reverse ferret' is what used to be called a 'U Turn' or change of idea or policy etc.

If for example, Mrs T was about now she would include in her speeches "This lady isn't for Reverse Ferreting..."

Hang on Geoff try again.I agree Peter ferrets seem to be much maligned especially in the "Private Eye" reverse ferret". Which means not I know not what.

Why drag an innocent ferret into it ?

Ferrets, a much maligned creature...

I would have been in their like a rabid ferret Geoff, no way it would or could be censored. There are plenty of posts far closer to the inner core marrow let alone the bone and whilst the occasional discussion gets out of hand (hides face to conceal blush) and is consequently stopped, I can think of no earthly reason why your one would have been.

I read the post but it might have been on another forum. I did not comment because I had no input to make. The event was high profile in the news at the time and the subject certainly didn’t appear too close to the bone.

I think wxe were all more than angry about that too, Geoff, can't help about your post though :-(

Hi Geoff
I can assure you that your post was not censored.
There are two possible explanations. One is that you didn't press the vital button ADD POST. The other one is that there was a software malfunction or something similar.
I suggest you post it again!
Best wishes

yes I accept that Andrew - no problem if nobody wants to comment, but on this occasion I did not even see the posting at all so wonder if anyone did - or if it was not posted.

I was angry when I wrote the post (it was about the NATO bombing of a Medcins sans frontiers hosptial in Afghanistan last weekend) but it was polite and to the point - but I just wondred if it was considered too close to the bone !



What was it about? Do you mean no-one commented on the thread, if so that happens, sometimes there are no takers ;-)