Change of circumstance, becoming dependent upon another's S1

If this reply is for @martinb79 … he already has his CV etc etc…

It’s a muddle of HMRC, DWP and BSA, to contact HMRC direct on this you can use I used both email addresses on every email just to cover things

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As Stella said I have a CV and have had since 2017 it’s my Ameli account they have closed. It was easy back then, turn up with your dossier of papers at a local CPAM office on spec with no appointment, sit and wait for an hour and they dealt with it there and then, temporaryy social security number in about a week and card a couple of months later, driving licence was easier back then too.

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I am just thinking that if HMRC still have you on record as being self employed, might that be at cross purposes with telling DWP that you are dependent on your wife.
Have you told HMRC a date as of when you stopped trading and became a dependent?

Still Self-Employed, just submitted my S-A tax return this week, but they leave me no choice or healthcare! 5 months and still no reply from them, neither S1 nor refusal

I did not think there were options, I thought you had to follow the correct route for your circumstances.
If you meet the cross border worker criteria you will be covered by an S1 from HMRC. If for some reason you do not meet the criteria, surely you would need to have your business registered in France and paying French social security contributions. I do not think that continuing to work in France but not paying social security in either country and getting healthcare via the NHS as if you were inactif, is an option that the UK offers or France accepts.
But in view of Covid the cross border arrangement should be continued so I think that is the route to pursue. Trying to take the wrong route because it seems simpler at the time often causes problems later in my experience.

many thanks for the e-mail address! Another bit of the puzzle! For completeness for others, here’s the HMRC Newcastle NI number - I have it on speed dial!

0191 203 7010

For the last 4 years I have received my S1 with no hesitation nor question, this year nothing, no S1, no refusal, no explanation nor contact of any type. My situation has not changed, repeated calls just result in being told a variation of they are dealing with it/looking into it. They acknowledge receipt of my application 24th June. I tax return in both countries and pay tax and other charges promptly as asked to. This is not a Covid related issue as my 2019/2020 UK tax return was broadly in like with preceding 5 years and it is only the 2020/2021 return effected by Covid and I have just filed that this week. I suspect the B! word at hand here.

Defo HMRC are the issuers of your S1 if pre-uk state pension age and still working for/in UK co whilst living in France having WA rights. Not DWP.

Call them. 0191 203 7010.
Ah. Just seen Larkswood posted the same while I’ve been looking for it

From response an Ameli forum " **If your local Cpam has updated your file, you have to use your own card vitale even if you are attached to your wife’s file. If you have to send a claim form, you will fill the section “Assuré” with your wife’s social security number and the section “Personne recevant les soins” with your details (first name, surname and date of Birth)."
Thank you everybody for your wise and helpful words