Crit'Air exemption

Thank you Royal Mail:


We’ve received your parcel from BIP GO. Delivery is due:

Tuesday, 28 January 2025*

Delivery is estimated between:

09:16am and 1:16pm*

(sticker for my car, I’ve already got one for the Honda 750.)

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Bip and go sticker, I think you mean doofer.

Thank you Your Worship, I do indeed - I was fixated on stickers because of the topic of this thread. :smiley:

Either a doofer, doobry, bippy thing or blipperoon.

In fact my post was completely irrelevant to the topic, for which apologies.

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nope… still well within scope… after all it is to do with travelling as painlessly/seamlessly as possible wherever and whenever the fancy takes us :+1: :rofl: :rofl:

It’s not quite that straightforward. I was looking at the Grenoble zone this morning and since 01/01/2025 only cars with a one or a two sticker may enter. I presume other areas will be similar. I’m off to Nantes in 10 days so I had better move the vignette from the glove box onto the windscreen.

I think it’s pretty simple, if you got an official receipt it’s legitimate, if you didn’t it isn’t.

Even in Zimbabwe they give receipts. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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I think you “married name” is only your nom de usage, your “real name” is always your maiden name. The said, my late wife used her nom de usage (ie my surname) for everything, and the authorities never caught on :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

My maiden name is never used here except on official Impôts stuff, everything else from pensions,previous CAF dealings, URSAFF,RSA etc have been in married name and when I bought the vehicle new, I never gave the dealership anything other than my married name but somehow the authorities decided to put the vehicle carte grise in my maiden name with the married name mentioned on another line but not as owner.

why is it in your glove compartment… did you miss the thread on "where to place the Crit’Air sticker " … ???


Obviously they did, to save time could you post a link :joy:

Well, I’m off to Nantes tomorrow and I don’t have a sticker. Your post made me go back and read the Nantes website on ZFE , which I had misread earlier. It seems you DO need a sticker, any sticker, to go through Nantes now. I tried to order one twice before but the order was rejected. I just tried it again and we’ll see if it goes through. I’ve been through Nantes about 4 times this month and didn’t see any controlling.


The advice is for all cars LHD and RHD :wink: and instructions do come with the sticker.
According to French Crit’Air …
wherever one sits inside the car,
the sticker goes on the inside of the windscreen,
righthandside of the windscreen,
lower corner section of the righthandside of the windscreen.

The location of the sticker might be worth its own thread.


I’ll be damned if I’ll ever put in the lower corner, it’s aesthetically naff and offends my windscreen sensibilities. I could have nightmares. So adhering to two out of their three of their silly instructions ain’t bad. Though putting it on the inside was a stroke of genius. Brain like a planet.

Near the CT sticker or below the old insurance vingnette which most people still keep now??

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That’s right, CT sticker (if required) on the bottom (all my green things were gone on day one) and crit’air on top. The symmetry is wonderful. I couldn’t care less about their silly suggestions, I’m striking a blow for freedom. We have to draw the line somewhere and I’m making a stand on crit’air. Even the guy in the video has the air of hangdog suppression, poor man.

Quite right and long live the revolution! Liberté, égalité, fraternité

…until the day your sticker fails to be detected by the automatic cameras that are due to be introduced to enforce the system, and you get a fine. :slight_smile:

(actually they will use ANPR for this so you will most likely get away with your outrageous vignette insurrection. :smiley: )

Could still be worth a glance through this thread though. :crazy_face: