Different Roundabouts in France

Stats are per km driven I believe.

Keeping to the outside is good, not indicating is bad. :wink:

Really? And what happens if I have been on the inside and want to move to the outside to take the next RH turning off and there is some prat on my outside who is continuing to pootle his way all the way round the roundabout?

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Well in my opinion you shouldn’t be in the inside lane at all, you should be in the outside lane following the pootler. However I recognise that it may not be entirely your fault because presumably you have been able to arrive at the roundabout where 2 lanes have led onto it. There are some in France, but not enough, where double lanes narrow down to one before the roundabout, thereby preventing overtaking on the roundabout, which is a good thing because of the danger of overtaking on it which you have ably descibed. :grinning:

Keeping to the outside is dangerous, what about when you want to come of and Coco the Clown has kept up with you all the way round the roundabout and you can’t come off.

So what is the inside lane on a roundabout for?

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David, when he’s driving a large articulated, so he can swing into the inner lane and turn the cab back across both lanes to take the exit. :grin:

You miss the point, the cab always stays in the outside lane and the trailer can cut the middle lane, which is why it is the way to do it and smaller vehicles shouldn’t try and overtake.

Also why we are taught to keep right but signal left until we have passed the last exit we don’t need, then switch to right signal to inform others where we are going. Safe and simple but always wise to keep an eye open for the suicide overtakers. :wink:

@Paddywack The inside lane is a mistake on the road engineers part and slowly, very slowly, some French engineers are sensibly removing it. :grinning:


How else are we supposed get past all the trucks (in Dreux and Chartres)?:wink:

If you mean between Dreux and Chartres, a long straight dual carriageway, perhaps you should examine your driving skills rather than wait for a roundabout to throw yourself under the wheels. :rofl:

If you mean in Dreux and Chartres, why would you want to? :thinking: