England v France in World Cup Quarter Final

I enjoyed watching, particularly the little dance Mbappé did with the ball.:hugs:

I am sorry for the England team players and their marvellous Coach Southgate because loss is crushing and they tried so hard but I am not sorry that England lost. I only hope that Marcus Rashford missing that final penalty goal will not see him utterly vilified on social media. He’s a remarkably honourable human being and I fear for him.

That in a nutshell proves that women know nothing about football. :roll_eyes:


So why were there a whole team of women refereeing one of the World Cup games?
Just because someone has said Rashford instead of Kane you choose to be derogatory about women.
Extremely unpleasant.


Lighten up @Jane_Williamson, I thought it was SO funny🤣

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If you watched the game or even knew anything about football in general how on earth could you possibly mix up Kane and Rashford?


I wasn’t going to miss the game but TF1 had other ideas when I could not access it via the TV setup I have, but…just an hour earlier my renewed subscription to ExPat TV kicked in and I had it on ITV. Interesting game but marred by a lot of needless tackling and once again, it always seems getting hurt and laying there groaning only lasts seconds in many cases. England were never going to unguard Mbappe so he did not have his usual input although that spurt was brilliant and what a lot of yellow cards too, possibly the most in any of the games so far? I felt no alliegance towards England,I have lived here too long now and consider this my home and all that goes with it, but saying that, if France had lost last night, I would have cheered for England in the next round just because they would have achieved something for a change. Brexit has nothing to do with any of this, only ignorant reporting and ignorant people would blame that.

That newspaper is a bit like a Rupert Annual, more pictures than words so morons have only a few words to struggle with.

That was nothing, you should have watched the earlier game between the Netherlands znd Argentina (always good for a laugh), think there 17 yellow cards including a couple for people not even playing.



my only thought…
will the English now blame the EU for them losing by way of punishment for Brexit :thinking:

Those just wanting a great game of football got their wish - both sides played really well and it could easily have gone either way.

But while we’re on the subject of ‘that newspaper’, I think - wait for it - my usual complaint - the UK media has got it wrong on every level. They have focused far too much on England’s ‘penalty pain’. Not really the way to exorcise a tension that has haunted English football for 20 years - nor avoid scapegoating.

The truth is that all the England players did well, including Kane - indeed I think they played better than the French overall. Yes England missed a penalty - but France scored 2 goals in open play and England, despite some near misses, didn’t score any.


No there is now a far bigger enemy for certain people to focus on = Meghan Markel!

I’m sure it’s connected Graham !

France 2 ( von der Leyen, Macron) - Brexit 1 (Farage og).

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Yes - The Guardian’s round-up of other newspaper headlines sniped:

Harry Kane and England are hailed as “Lionhearted until the end” on the front of the Mail on Sunday but most of the space is given over to more Sussex-bashing.

Nothing jingoistic to crow over? Then invent something to hate…

Rude and misogynistic. Lashing out in your grief is an interesting look.

Not ‘penalty goal’ but ‘free-kick’ that unfortunately shot over Lloris’ bar in the final minute. I may not know all the terms but I have eyes and did enjoy watching, especially the final 30 minutes.

This is why I am so glad England did not win. Englishmen :roll_eyes:


I missed that one.

I presume you don’t include Geoff Cox as an Englishman :heart::rofl:

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To refer to The Sun as a newspaper ennobles it beyond that which is reasonable.

Even “Gutter Press” is a few steps above the Sun’s typical output - along with The Mail and The Express.

Support the team by all means but the billboard embodies much that is wrong with British (specifically English, I think) society.

By all accounts, yes -I didn’t watch the match but the analyiss that I’ve seen suggests that we were unlucky to an extent to lose having had the better part of the match. Perhaps, as one pundit put it - France used all the opportunities that they were given whereas England had more chances but less follow-through.

I hear quite a bit of criticism of Southgate though which frankly seems unfair - he has taken the team from one which would barely progress after the group matches into one which can reasonably expect to reach the semi-finals in international tournaments.


I think @Geof_Cox transcends Englisness :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


Probably they will hound Kane for missing the penalty just as they did with Southgate.