Fourth Jab anyone? Be prepared for the next Wave

My wife made an appointment at our local hospital yesterday for an x-ray and was met in the foyer by a member of staff placed there to specifically check validation of pass sanitaire.


My recent hospital admissions have continued to require a PCR test and has recently been reduced from 72 hours before admission to 48 hours. On entering the hospital, as @JohnBoy has said, there is a receptionist requiring sight of the passe vaccinal before entry to the hospital and this also includes any visitors to admitted patients. I think the same requirement applies in care homes (ehpad) and the like.


All I know is that I have never been quite the same after the vaccines, notably the third, with repetitive nagging headaches which I have never previously had in my life, random sneezing attacks and a runny nose.
Having returned to the swimming pool after a few months break I now find I am getting out of breath. It is more than just a lack of fitness as my chest is tight. It could be anything but I think I need to get my heart and lungs checked for good order.
That aside I will now think twice about having any more covid vaccines.

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It could be anything though, even that you have had covid, have you tested to find out, don’t automatically blame the vaccination.

Indeed it could be long covid or some such. All my tests have been negative to date though I am well aware that they are not 100% reliable.

I am not blaming the vaccine which of course has saved many, many lives but am saying that I will make a considered decision before automatically accepting a fourth shot.

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If you have a Doctor or a medical someone who’s opinion you trust… why not discuss your situation/thoughts with them, just to be sure …

I think one of the problems we face now is that it is only “opinion”. No one really knows. As I said above, I got a shrug from my cardiologist whom I trust.

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A shrug can mean so many things… I’d have pressed for an answer (but that’s how I am).

Our Doc has successfully steered us through some terrible health problems and we’ve come to appreciate his expertise and professionalism.
If he felt " Do what you like/I don’t know"… which is more or less what a shrug means… he would have said so.

However, each of us has our own view of things and we must make decisions as best we can.

And that’s right. No-one does just yet. Maybe they will eventually but right now it’s educated guesswork based on limited data.


4th vax. Should be no problem. I live in the country, and the small chemist in a small nearby village is doing 4th vax if one is in the right age group. I rang to make an appointment, and was greeted with “we’ve got one left over, can you come now?” 15 minutes later I was done. Google pharmacies in your area, ring them up and ask them. Or your doctor may do it.

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Or just look on Doctolib. Our pharmacy is listed and could book online at a time of my choice.

Indeed. In so many ways, in so many circumstances. I’ve started using it myself … experimentally. It’s going well :grinning:


I hope you add ‘bof’ :rofl:


Whatever … :man_shrugging:

actually, around here, I’ve noticed folk do a mad sort of wave/waggle wrist action ( thumb and little finger extended, other fingers gently palmed) … which seems to mean… a bit iffy/maybe/perhaps not… and I’ve found myself doing it too… hopefully correctly… (but local folk are very forgiving of my errors… consider it part of my “charm” perhaps :wink: :rofl: )

I know what it DOESN’T mean without asking. It doesn’t mean a clear “yes” and it doesn’t mean a clear “no”. Anymore that the sage on the ouija board gave a clear yes or no. So, I have to make up my own mind. Which I was rather hoping to avoid.

Sante Publique advise over 80’s or those vulnerable to have 4th dose 3 mths after 3rd . Over 60 s 6mths after 3rd. The evidence is that the beneficial effects start to wear off after 3 mths. We will have ours as soon as we can get it. Moderna is said to be more effective against Omicron variant

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I believe they have tweaked it to do so.

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I had mine two days ago having made an appointment on Doctolib. I needn’t have bothered (with the appointment, not with the jab) as the centre was quite literally deserted apart from the many people staffing it. How very different it was in early January 2021 when I queued together with scores of other elderly candidates for more than two hours to benefit from the great privilege that was being offered us.
In those days we all recognised it as a potential life saver.
In the meantime everything has changed. But, in fact, nothing has changed and in my opinion we all owe it to ourselves and others to do whatever we can to prevent the spread of this pernicious disease.


Getting # 4 on Thursday so is the Wife.

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