Hi all
We are renewing our UK licences for French one’s as we are both now nearly 70. Does anyone know about the changes of categories as our licences are the old paper green ones and have the old categories which includes towing quite heavy trailers. Will the categories on our old UK licences be transferred to our new French licences. Many thanks
I’m 79 and got a French licence in January to replace my UK one which was due for three-yearly renewal this month.
All the UK categories of driver entitlement were reproduced on my replacement French licence. It’s worth noting that, if you ever want to hire a car in France, the date of issue of your French licence (item 4a on the front) does not reproduce the date of issue of your UK one, which is detailed on the reverse side.
The actual bureaucratic procedure involves a trip to your prefecture where it’s wise to have your dossier of required papers ready, and be prepared to wait for the actual licence to be processed. I went back twice to check on progress, and received just a friendly shrug and a smile. The third time (three months after my request) it was ready, issued with a proud flourish and “your new french permit, monsieur!”
It’s also worth pointing out that your new French driving licence will not bear your residential/postal address, unlike its UK counterpart.
This implies that although it can be used as proof of identity in limited circumstances, it will not stand as proof of domicile.
Hii, what do you think, I have UK driving licence, but it’s expired now. And I want to drive in France. What are my options please? Can I exchange expired driving licence?? Or somehow exempted from code de la route. My French is horrible.
May I suggest that you have a look at the following thread:
Then perhaps apply to join Kim Cranstoun’s facebook group: