Is it me of has Microsoft so far failed to say exactly which i7/i5 chips they will actually use? It aint powerful until they do that.
TBH I am not looking to buy as my 5 year old i7 laptop is still trucking along just fine and I like the 1920x1200 display. I do not need portable, Just movable.
Fast desktops are another matter though. I've not seen a 'fast laptop' that can shine a light on a fast desktop. Not even in the same ball park most of the time.
Carl, of course John has the right choice. The fact is that 13 inch Pro with i7 and 1TB of SSD is the best I have ever been using for working with Raw data from Nikon 800 and 810. Its so smooth, also video's (but for vids, I prefer Linux). I would have gone for the 15 inch, but this does not fit into the camera bag and when travelling a lot, most important equipment is better always close to me and not thrown at every airport on to caddy's, or worse, getting lost. Much depends on what you are working most: texts spread sheets etc, then the air is best, but imaging and traveling needs a more robust case like the MBP. If you work only at home iMac is better. You will have to figure out where and for what you need the computer the most. Brian's idea regarding Surface Pro 4 is not a bad idea and here is a Microsoft Surface Book vs. 2015 Retina MacBook Pro , The MacBookPro comes even 200 US$ less.
The advice this guy offers is pretty sound. The air is still worth considering if you are very mobile. My daughter is a medical student in and out of hospitals all the time. We upgraded her from a (still reliable and in great condition) mid 2009 13 inch Macbook Pro to an maxed out Air and she loves it. My late wife loved her Air as well. I guess it’s convience can outweigh it’s lack of umph and storage for many people. I ungraded myself last summer from a simular Pro to my daughter’s to a retina display 13 inch Pro with i7 and 1TB of SSD. It goes like the clappers and thebscreen is stnning. All our shared stuff is on a 27 inch iMac with 255gb SSD for system files and 3TB disc for data. It has a 3ghz i7 and is a joy to edit movies on.
Probably no reason to panic if you went through the real Microsoft site but if you are are worried surely your bank has a 24 Hr helpline for card users ? If necessary, cancel the card (assuming you have other ways of paying for stuff)
How was the quality of their English ? The people from "Windows Technical Services" that keep ringing me all have really strong Asian accents that speak poor English.
You said originally that you had changed the hard drive ? Was it for a new one ? Had you copied across your files from the old disk ? If not, where did the virus come from ?
If you have the Windows licence (COA), could you start again from scratch, reformatting the disk ?
I contacted Support through the Microsoft site and kept checking to make sure it was https but I'm shaking now because in reality how do you actually know and they have remote access to your machine? She said the virus could be corrupting the data and stopping the OS from functioning properly. Seriously Steve, now I'm feeling sick because of trying to use the credit card and the banks are closed so I can't check.
@Valerie What business is it of Microsoft whether you have a virus on your PC or not ? They have sold you a licence to an OS not a clean machine. Sorry to ask but are you sure it was really Microsoft you were talking to ? (Why was the price in $ for a start)
How to waste more than 1.5 hours - get Microsoft on Chat and ask them how to re-activate Windows following a hard drive change as none of the product codes actually now work. She scanned my computer and told me that there was a virus possibly corrupting files and disrupting the OS:
(1) They would happily clean it for me for a one-off payment of $99.
(2) I said when I'd upgraded to Ultimate last year I was told that it could be transferred to a different computer if anything went went with the original (I have an old work computer so thought I could use that instead). Answer: no because you might just transfer the virus and corrupt the other one.
(3) So if the virus could be in the actual upgrade installation surely then it's for Microsoft to foot the bill - no.
(4) So what happens if I fail to activate Windows (deadline today) - will I lose Bitlocker which is what I spent €193 on the upgrade last year to get? What other functions will I lose? Answer: Don't know but the computer will still be infected.
(5) The bank refused to verify my credit card for the $99 payment and they're closed now until Tuesday. I can try Paypal as that's on the payment options? Answer: no, Microsoft policy credit card payments only.
(6) So I can't activate Windows, I can't pay for the virus nuking and I can't transfer the upgrade I paid money I can't afford for - am I basically screwed? Answer: Yes.
Well, I haven't been around lately due to pressure of work, but just had a new Orange ADSL line put in , and had a question for fellow Orange ADSL users. Do you or can you get admin access to the Orange router without hacking it ?
I want to open up some IP ports for incoming traffic, like https and ssh for various services like remote Cam and servers etc.
Just wanted to know if anyone had done it. I have only briefly had a quick look at it, but before I dive in , wanted to check if anyone had done this.
About to switch my ancient Sky box for a Humax Freesat decoder. Anyone know if I have to realign the dish or does the Humax connect to the same satellite? Also putting in a bigger dish to improve reception.
Doing the unexpected:in its blog post, Apple mentions that the move will take place later this year. Swift 2.0 compiler and standard libraries will available for Linux along with iOS and OS X. Windows did not get a mention here so I presume that it won’t be joining the party at least for now with its #10 version wing like a Porsche with a tow bar ;-)
Need someone with ZEND is a must!!! If you know someone, or if you are interested you could also drop me a PN here with you email and I'll send you the exact job-description / -profile.
The Union is seeking a qualified I.T. Developer. The duration of the contract is for fixed term period renewable depending on satisfactory perform and available funding.
Applicants must have a valid work permit for France.
Qualifications: • Minimum 2 – 3 years’ professional experience working in an IT-development related role. • Graduate level in an IT-development related field. • Demonstrated theoretical and practical basic knowledge of IT practices, policies and procedures.
Technical Requirements: • SQL language • Familiarity with open-source tools: • Php (version 5+) • Mysql (version 5+) • Zend Framework 1(ZF1) • Zend Framework 2(ZF2) • Html + css
Other: • Excellent written and spoken English (plus French or Spanish an advantange)