Goat Welfare and goats cheese

Right. I’ll do some research. And alert the surprisingly small number of my friends who care.

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Do the pigs have tails? Or have they been cut off which is very common here. And are the animals stunned before slaughter? Also remains common.

Seeing animals gambling in fields does not necessarily give the full picture. One has to look more carefully as much happens out of view. Compared to other European countries the French public have less interest in animal welfare, and so there is less concern. France still produces veal and foie gras without a qualm after all.

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of course it doesn’t… :wink:

I have been fortunate to belong to a group who visited all sorts of local establishments… in Dordogne and Haute-Vienne… albeit a few years ago… and it was very enlightening and interesting.

It gave me something (a benchmark) by which to assess other enterprises when/if I get the chance to visit…

I can say with approval… ah that’s just like so and so… or … with deep disapproval… that’s not right…

and our local pigs do have tails… :wink:

Good grief. I know that my goats exude some intelligence (as do many other animals) but if I see them spinning roulette wheels & playing Blackjack even I will be surprised.

Seeing them gamboling would, however, be perfectly normal :grinning:

Sorry, couldn’t resist.


Indeed it doesn’t!


We’re lucky to have a fantastic dairy farm right on our doorstep (though just far enough away to avoid smells and flies) which makes wonderful cheese that you can buy directly on a Saturday morning. Almost the highlight of the week.


It’s just shame that we can’t eat other people without developing CJD and other neurological conditions.

Soylent Green was a brilliant idea.

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Small producteurs on local markets who just have one or two types of cheese - around here (12) these people are usually goat but we get a few with their own lait cru Cantal.

Bit late to the thread but: Des éleveuses font le pari du fromage « qui ne tue pas les chèvres » - Oui ! Le magazine de la Ruche Qui Dit Oui !


Very interesting. Welcome, @Jramble !

I’m resigned to animals being killed at the end of their active lives, though I’d very happily have a goat or two to mow the lawn if I had enough lawn (the cat would be very interested).