Good news discussion

Bon rétablissement!

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Good luck Mark please keep us informed.

How is your other half doing “in herself” ?

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I’m glad you did, because it means what happened will be properly investigated, whether or not a prosecution follows.

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Thanks Karen,

She’s making very good progress physically, walking without a crutch for several kms and driving short distances. Unfortunately, notas good mentally - she can’t do yoga which is her normal daily means of dealing with depression without anti-depressants.

As you may well know depression defies logic, rather than trying to reassure or reason with her by telling her that she’s getting better, I make sure she’s does twice daily walks with Gigi in the forests alongside the Lot, which is an amazingly restorative environment.

Other nudges include pushing doing her physio with light (girlie!) dumbbells and ankle weights and encouraging her to eat more than she’s used to because she needs building up physically as well as mentally. The body needs material from which to build muscle.

We’re also now able to do more entertaining and there’s umpteen lunches and dinners coming up! Meanwhile today I did my first proper rando since the accident (post to follow on that thread).

We’ll get there, but it’ll take time


@vero how are you going,? Sorry I didn’t get to you last week​:crazy_face::crazy_face:

@DrMarkH good to hear things heading in the right direction.


Been sorting through old photos, came across these, but can’t remember if I posted about them before, elsewhere.

In 2010, aged 69, I overturned the car and landed upside down in the ditch, slid along until the car bashed against a tree, and on the insistence of the pompiers went to hospital for a checkup. Was released 7 hours later fit and well with just a scratch on the back of my hand. The roof over the front seat area caved in and luckily stopped short of my head by a couple of centimetres.

The good news back then, apart from being OK, is that when I insured the car 4 weeks earlier, for a new low-mileage purchase, I was told that for a small extra fee, about 25 euros, I could get an enhanced payoff in the event of a write-off. And did, and bought another younger car, same model but with cruise control and other benefits!

Went back later with a friend to try to understand what had happened and also to look for my missing gps. Found it in the ditch still in working order!