How do you make scrambled eggs?

I am sort of with Vero on this, stirred eggs, not whisked, sometimes cream, but definitely pepper, poured into melted butter in a warm, but not hot pan and allow to start to set up, then stir gently and add either smoked salmon/trout/l’Omble chevalier or truffles (we have an abundance). Smoked haddock or herring goes well too. Recently tried it with smoked sturgeon, that went down well.

Ah yes, bring in the truffle oil! Takes it to a new dimension.

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Where do you get wild salmon? Scotland has a catch & release policy on fishing and the last netting station has been closed.
Best tasting Salmon I found here in France is from Iceland (not the shop)

Easy for me being just myself to feed. No lots of washing up plus no heart attack on a plate either with all the other stuff people are putting in. If you stop a couple of times during the cooking and break up with a fork, it comes out lovely and fluffy and not a big lump.

In the UK, Lidl do frozen atlantic wild salmon, for smoked salmon I usually move up a notch to Waitrose wild salmon.

Good to know where in France so avoiding farmed.


Aint caused by butter! Or cream!

One cafe I used made scrambled eggs in a jug using the coffee machines steam wand!

One of the few upsides of living alone. Apart from my main meal in the evening, everything is washed immediately after use, the hot water in my heater is scalding so, using a long handled brush, I can clean each item under the running tap without the need for soap.

Last thing at night before bed I wash the few pots from dinner in minimal hot water in the sink and put them on the dryer. Takes all of 2 minutes. :joy:

The downside, apart from the obvious, is that as everything which can be recycled goes in its own bag, there is little I don’t use and so the large bin which needed emptying every day before now could be left for a week or more, and sometimes is. I suspect that it might be a breeding ground for those little black flies. I should use a smaller one and empty it more often but it is a normal size wheelie bin bought to stop one of our previous dogs from flipping the lid to get at what was inside. I put off downsizing because who knows what dog will be coming through the door next? :roll_eyes: :rofl:

That must have had an “interesting” effect on the flavour of the cappuccinos.


I can confirm they gave the steam wand a good purge and clean before resuming normal duties :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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My wife’s father used to cook this and she loved it, maybe because it was the only thing he cooked! I try and cook it just the same.

Gently fry a chopped onion in olive oil. Add a chopped clove of garlic and fry on a higher heat for a minute. Add a large chopped tomato, preferably noire de Crimée, mixed herbs, salt and pepper and fry till soft. Add a little hot paprika, then after a minute add 2 beaten eggs, with or without milk as you fancy. Raise heat and cover for a minute. Then stir till eggs are set. Our ceramic pan is easy to clean.



Always actually farmed in open sea cages full of fleas and antibiotic, atlantic salmon is not fished. You can’t get wild salmon at that price!

People can eat what they want, and can afford of course. I just want people to be aware of what exactly they are being sold, and make conscious choices…


Yes, but wild from where? Wildly expensive and often contaminated or cross bred with escaped farmed salmon, therefore infected with sea lice. Oh its all so difficult! Break away subject: WHAT to do about the punaise, I hoover them off the inside of the windows, then more fly in. I bought a very expensive spray but I’m not sure if it works…any ideas? Perhaps one could spray them with Javel. I’m sure you have thought about this! By he way, my pool is still clear…

It is not clear from their policy statement, I see there responsibly sourced which they state is from farms, hopefully better than some American run farms. I think I shall email Lidl as wild should mean only 1 thing and one thing only. If any different I shall at the very least inform the ASA

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Smoked salmon. Now you’re talking.
In the microwave, stop cooking your eggs when they look as though they need another’s 15 seconds. They will firm up with the retained heat.

No milk, no cream, just eggs. Salt, no pepper. Butter in the pan, low heat, constant stirring until almost finished.

Since wild Atlantic Salmon is now on the endangered species list it is hard to see how this fits under « responsible » sourcing.

Just peeked at Lidl’s site. Seems to me that their frozen wild Salmon is sockeye salmon - which is pacific salmon, not Atlantic.

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Interesting Jane, will have to pay more attention next time I am shopping.

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We had an American friend in HK, sadly now passed on, who carried a little bottle of Tabasco everywhere with him, and put it on everything, even eggs. (He managed Coca Cola Asia for 30 years, so I suppose his taste buds were shot. )