Huge log lorries using our road at 2.30 am


Yup, we’ve got someone like that! At least he’s going to work (so I forgive him) and not doing the Sunday afternoon thing of arriving with a mate on a quad and the two of them fighting their way up and round and round the woodland on the opposite side of our valley.

As the Roman’s discovered, valley sides produce the most wonderful acoustical chamber, so sounds resonate beautifully. The solution to reducing the impact of one wood lorry or one two stroke engine? Live in a lotissement, surrounded by other people and other properties and other noises - then you’ll never notice any one sound.
Our gite guests arrive from their noisy town living and say how wonderfully quiet our place is, while I’m worrying they are going to be disturbed by the sound of our distant neighbour’s hounds, or the combine harvester over the hill, working at 2 in the morning.
Edit: Oh and by the way the chasse starts next weekend - hopefully not tomorrow - so that’s the tranquillity of our Sundays out the window for the next few months.


Interesting about cutting at night. My neighbours work well past 2 am with all lights blazing, then go past us with laden trailers.

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I’d forgotten that! Rude words *&£#, especially as far too hot for my fluorescent woolly hat.

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Give the bloke on the noisy bike a boar’s head design crash helmet and let the two problems take care of each other.


Started here this week I thought. At least the 1diot that was blasting away near here last year started tooting his hunting horn promptly on 1st September.

Run, Bambi ! Run !


Better to hide in long grass and brambles. It’s when they run that they are vulnerable.

And b****r they’ve started round here this morning. It’s like a re-enactment of WW1 the first weekend. I’d misread the dates on google. For some reason one prefecture is opening next weekend, but the date for most places (including L et G) is today. :face_exhaling:

AFAIK la chasse starts next weekend here.

Looking at the prefectural decree, it started here for sanglier on the 15th August. Haven’t seen or heard them yet :crossed_fingers:

Started today here in my bit of the Medoc.

Shall only be taking the dog for walks at the beach for the foreseeable future.

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Probably extended vacation. :rofl:

hmmm must be sanglier here then. Or theoretically he’s hunting “sanglier” so he can blow his horn early. Though we are far enough away from the woods where I’d expect them to be, more than here.

Though having said that, all 4 cats I had killed on the road here August-Feb either disappeared overnight before I could bury them, or were disinterred in 1 or 2 nights from the rocky soil where they were buried. And 2 of them were pretty big cats. (Earth covered with rocks, and the pushed-aside rocks found on the earth piled up at the edge of the hole.) So perhaps sanglier does this, or wolves have come back.

We had a young guy with his Derby bike would rev the ass off it going up the road and couldnt understand why it didnt reach 50 kmh, until I told him to dump the dozy expensive pot he had on it and fit the standard exhaust back on. Afterwards I adjusted the carburettor now he is chuffed to bits and it goes faster than the 50 kmh and is a lot lot quieter. Much to the envy of his pals.


I saw a reportage on TF1 the other day saying that there’s thought to be over 1,100 wolves living wild in France today…!

Could be either. But also badgers, foxes and lynx will eat carrion although lynx prefer fresh.

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This went on in our neck of the woods (pun not intended). It turned out that it was part of a massive theft…illegal felling. With fuel and electricity prices soaring, wood is highly sought after.

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That’s interesting. If any of us notices unusual agricultural movements it may well be worth mentioning them to the Mairie in case it’s an example of unauthorised activity.

Mind you, it’ll put paid to my felled tree harvesting sideline :rofl:

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@Jane_Williamson it sounds like it would actually be a good idea to mention this to your mairie? it will be good to find the noise is not criminal in more ways than one. Will you let us know?

We drove to Cluny yesterday and passed a log lorry going towards Charolles.
We could see a huge logging site in across the valley and the people in the village of Bergesserin will have these lorries climbing up the hill to get onto the D17.
You could see the marks on th e road where the lorries were turning on the steep hill.