Lighting laws and historic car spares

Not heard too many complimentary things about Hagstrom, but have no experience of them myself.

In the UK, it would appear that a chap in Leeds - goes by the moniker “Ron Saab Leeds” - is highly rated and trusted (again, I have no personal experience of him - yet) for affordable parts.

Thanks to those of you who have given the heads-up on a couple of specialists in France - most useful.

Just been to their website to take a look - and it would seem that they are closing down.

That is a surprise. I sold my 9000 to their friend only four or five months ago and got the impression they were going great guns.
If course their expertise and service may have been first class but they have succumbed to the taxation/cotisation burden.

Steve at Malstrad Saab (Huddersfield or Sheffield ??) is the guy to go to for spares. He also competes in rallying and racing with Saabs. However since Brexit he’s stopped sending to Europe - too much hassle and cost.
We work it so someone is in the UK and gets stuff and takes it back.

They spoke to me yesterday about Saab parts, never mentioned closing, but did suggest two Saab specialists for spares, one in Marseilles

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Making contact with your local Classic Car Club may reveal a sympathetic CT station.

the link above stated

Espace collection arrête son activité à compter du 01/01/2025,

Regarding the front lights, one has to remember that French law makes a distinction between main beam and dipped headlights.
Either two or four main beam lamps are permitted.
Then there must be two dipped beams which can be incorporated into the main beam lamps or which can be separate.
In addition, two fog lamps are permitted, and / or two turning lamps.
For the pictured vehicle it would seem that the two underslung lamps would have to be regarded as either fog lamps or turning lamps due to their low height from the road surface, and dependent upon how they are activated. If fog lights, then flat top beams are required with correct adjustment.
The two central lamps are presumably additional ‘driving’ (main beam) lamps which is fine.
The two outer lamps above the bumper with the soft covers do not comply with the regulations. They clearly obstruct the beams emitted by the original headlights, and in any case they exceed the permitted total number. I suspect that they were probably temporarily removed in order to obtain the CT.
Worth remembering that all lamps must be fitted in a juxtaposed manner which does seem to be the case for the pictured vehicle.
This gov’t website refers;

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Great, that’s exactly what I was trying to find out.
I’ll leave it to my “garagiste” to decide which lights to save. Or buy new PIA ones

George Topp.

“That’s interesting about the lighting. Did you notice any issues with it since the CT in October? And what’s the story with the soccer ball wheels?”

The lighting has been fine but the general consensus is that it’s not legal.
The previous owner took pics of it getting it’s CT and the lights were fitted then
However to be safe rather than sorry the specialist in Carnforth is taking them all off and instead fitting just 2 PIAA spots

Soccerball wheels - as shown in the pic are so called because they look like lots of footballs
The car has a set of 4 but I need two spares and they appear hard to find

Take no notice, they disqualified Paddy Hopkirk from the win in Monte Carlo because his lights dipped the wrong way. Didnt stop them winning a few more times, once with a broken transmission and they just rolled to the finish blipping the throttle for effect :face_with_hand_over_mouth::joy:

The original lighting set-up needs to conform to all EU laws plus the UK (all the countries were the car will be used) so its easiest to just run with two large spots

I know, just having a little chuckle about old times :wink:

Would it not be like any other vehicle and the lighting needs to conform to the requirements of the country of registration?

Since we are talking about competition use and the rallies cross many borders (our first is in the uk only but we have to drive home to France and another is Switzerland—France-Italy-Andorra-Spain) to be safe it looks like choosing the lowest common denominator

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A metaphor for life as we know it. :wink:

Thanks for the update on the lighting. Good call on getting the specialist to double-check. And wow, those soccerball wheels are unique! Good luck finding the spare ones."