Mac OSX cleaner apps

Ahhh, I bought the Mythical Man Month when it was published… and never read it. It’s still on the bookshelf, along with a whole load of other computing stuff I devoured. I liked a good book on computer organisation and architecture in the day :roll_eyes: I’ll get it down and read on the way back to France. During the loooong R5 charging sesions.

I wonder if MMM first edition is worth anything :thinking:

Is it a bit slow?

Yes, it is. But for several reasons. I only charge the 80kW i4 from 20% to 80% but I squeeze the R5 to 95% to get usable range. That last 15% can take longer than the previous 60%. Though this evening at 9 degrees she went from 45% to 94% in 45 minutes.

Plus it seems slower in the cold than the i4 , so I’m also investing (from a starting point of compete ignorance) if the Renault battery has a different chemistry. Both seem to be NMC though, as are the batteries in Tesla performance vehicles.

Lots of stuff to learn :slightly_smiling_face: