Newsnight - Paxman vs. Brand. Full interview

I think you may be wrong. Certainly with regard to his age.

Russell Brand is 14 so I suppose he can be forgiven.

I am 44 years young and ave never voted for exactly the same reasons Russell Brand is talking about.

Russell Brand talks as much sense as any Politician. At least he shows genuine passion and concern for the country. Hes a far better actor than ~Any Politician I have heard speak. That is what they are after all!!! Actors lol x

I think Brand is an immature egomaniac who talks mainly rubbish but hits a few relevant topics by chance rather more than design. In this case he got close to some points on the electoral system and the long standing contradiction between being told it is a democracy and then it is a duty to vote. As Geoff says, when media are controlled by so few owners, those being, as we know, largely 'in bed' with a single party, then how on earth is there ever truly representative information about candidates, parties and all else people ought to know?

Kerry makes a valid point too. The 'vote blanc' is ideal because rather than not voting, the caster expresses his or her dissatisfaction with the choice of candidate or refuses to accept the current political system. It is a protest vote, but one that the people who count votes do so as votes and the returning officers record for the results. Should be used everywhere.

he makes very good sense - even if some find it easy to critisise him because he is not working in his comfort zone. I think many of us would find it difficult to stand up to Paxman who has a lifetimes experience interviewing.

However, if one considers the points Brand makes rather than the quality of his presentation, then Brand deserves credit for making them.

One point he makes is not voting. I totally agree with him. We are told that we live in a democracy and that it is our duty to vote. What nonsense. When ALL of the media is controlled by five or six large corporations then how can we have the unbiased information we need on which to base our vote?

Consider this; the massive GE corporation and the Westignouse company which have interests in nuclear power and weapons manufacture also own two of the largest media corporations. Can you really believe that they will encourage thier own media outlets to reduce the profits of their parent company by telling the truth about nuclear power or by encouraging peace around the world and reducing weapons production?