@Bettina. Many other brands available. A big consideration is to identify which CO2 canisters can be recycled locally, otherwise less environmentally helpful. We used one that didn’t need electricity as well, which meant it was slower but still fine.
@anon87147852 it has just occurred to me, if you are nipping over the border you should go to Reus (if you don’t already know it) I bet you would love vermut Rofes where you can buy the vermouth and eat as well, and all the good and fun restaurants.
There are lots of other vermut makers but acc to my Catalan friends Rofes is the best.
Thanks @vero it looks right up my street and, yes I do know Reus (the good and the not-so-good !! ). I’ve just taken a look at their website - yum
As the subject started about water in PLASTIC bottles and the inherent recycling problems, then moved on to carcinogens in (or not in) the plastic (my fault, I think) I’d like to remind everyone that water is still available in glass bottles and cans - especially for those who like fizzy water.
Well… you’d think so wouldn’t you. No so in my local Hyper Intermarché - I just checked at lunchtime. No water in glass - not even Perrier. There are small Schweppes tonic bottles - so every cloud…
Lots of cans of course and bottles of obscure flavoured fizz / waters.
Well, I am surprised!
It is possibly all down to preference, but a friend tells me that he is very happy with his Chilly’s bottle (quote" it’s only as heavy as the water it gets filled with").
So I’m putting Chilly’s back on my Christmas List. I’ve spotted a rather nice pink one in their catalogue. (I don’t need a huge one - a 260 mml will do me just fine.)
I’ll try and find one in Perigueux or Bordeaux when I am out and about…
I use a big Bodum thermos cup, I have had it for 7 or 8 years now, it comes to work every day and is marvellous for hot or cold drinks.
I’m going to have a field day at the next big “kitchen shop” I get to. Always enjoy an excuse to look over new products and gadgets (well, new to me anyway).
We have a water softener (whether it works or not is debatable) which means there’s a high level of salt in our tap water. Well, I fill it with salt every three months or so and it disappears so I presume it’s being flushed through our pipes. Since high levels of salt are bad for the old ticker we drink bottled water. When we lived in the M/E we had a water cooler in the kitchen with a multi gallon bottle on top. That would reduce our plastic consumption dramatically so I’d consider the same here but where to put it?
Before laying out good money - why not check the water softener. If it really is not working - do you still need it. It might be simply a matter of disconnecting it and drinking the tap water (unsalted).
We were in New Zealand recently on holiday, and one of the things I loved about that country (and there were so many things to love…) was that they automatically assumed that you would drink tap water. No bottled water was ever offered to us, even when dining in top restaurants. The pubs, bars, restaurants all had water there, with glasses, for you to help yourself free of charge. Some even had a fridge with carafes of water there for you to take and a nearby stack of glasses.
Such a simple and clever idea. Why did we ever move away from this in civilised countries where the water is safe to drink? We gave up on bottled water here about 6 years ago, and use the filtered water from the American Fridge. Cool and lovely - local water has a strong taste as comes from underground sources, and is very hard, otherwise would pour it from the tap!
You ask the question - yet, surely, the answer lies within your post. You don’t like the taste of your tap water.
I doubt that anyone who enjoys tap water would bother spending on bottles or on a filter etc etc - what would be the point.
However, once folk have decided “I don’t like this” (whatever) - there will swiftly be someone stepping-in to provide a remedy/alternative.
@Stella. I’ve just weighed mine, and it’s 300g. So the same as my copy of Jane Grigson’s Fish Cookery, ie a chunky paperback. I’ll stick to keeping it in the car, and using a light bottle for walking.
Cheers Jane
As always, I shall be trying out for weight and ease of manipulation, before I part with any money.
Well, Stella, we have so many friends who insist on bottled water - and are aghast that we don’t have any. Somehow it has become ‘fashionable’ to drink bottled water - have you been in a UK supermarket recently and seen the range available, not to mention the price of some of them? We do buy an occasional bottle of Badoit for those that are really fussy as we like to be decent hosts, but do suggest that sparkling water is not actually that good for you, often too much salt! Slowly we can convince people, we have to the planet leaves us no other option.
When you have a water softener, aren’t you meant to have a tap that by-passes the softener for drinking?
It’s been quite a while since I gave up worrying about whether or not friends would be aghast at my antics.
I make everyone welcome and certainly adhere to medical needs if folk have them. But, apart from that, it is a question of - it’s all here, help yourselves and let’s enjoy ourselves.
and we do … (must be doing something right - they all keep coming back for more).
~A well-reasoned explanation about the waste/environmental damage etc etc and you might well have some of your friends reduced to tears and begging you to forgive them.
Another idiocy that has been perpetrated on us by the water-pushers is that we need to drink 3 litres of water a day for survival.
It is widely believed that this total must disregard any fluids other than bottled water. Any chump “knows” that tea, coffee, beer, milk, soya drink, lemonade, fruit juice or chicken noodle soup doesn’t count as water. (I hope this is understood as heavy irony, and not literally true!)
Only real water in a bottle counts as water in the popular mind (more irony). And you need to keep guzzling it because otherwise you will become dehydrated, and die. 3 litres a day, and forget tea, it doesn’t count (last irony, promise!).
As an octagenarian crank I still adhere to the mediaeval lore that proposes a fluid intake of 1.2 litres per day to maintain a healthy balance, in temperate climes, to support normal physiology and metabolism.
Metabolism itself produces water by burning sugars and fats in the diet to supply energy. There is a fair amount of water (>85% w/v) in most ‘solid’ food too.
It’s a wonder humankind ever survived and thrived for millennia before the advent of health magazines and social media to tell us to drink their slippery merchandise, how much of it and from what rip-off source.
Ye Gods and Little Fishes!
Well Peter, both my nephrologist and Urologist suggest at least 1½ litres /day and in the summer to increase the intake. So, I take their advice but neither has specified bottled so I use tap and a Brita filter jug.