16 April 2020 07:14
You won’t be ‘kicked off’ for having an opinion here @Annej2003 it’s the way you express it that matters. It’s been a while since I’ve needed to remind anyone of the one rule we have here but here it is for your perusal.
As Survive France is getting bigger by the day, we thought it might be a good idea to produce some guidelines on posting.
Survive France is a social network designed to help people connect, interact, do business, network, socialise and exchange information in a mutually supportive and helpful environment. We expect members to behave as if they were face to face and restrain from abusive Ad hominem attacks. If you are not sure what this means, you can read about it here - in layman’s terms, it means refrain from personal comments and criticism. Anyone who cannot do this will have their membership suspended.
Debate is fine but keep it polite and keep the ‘dinner party’ analogy in mind. If you were at someone’s house and were seated next to a person whose views you found abhorrent, you would not call them names. Or if you did, you probably wouldn’t get invited back! Instead, out of respect to your hosts, you would mutter something along the lines of “Oh well, we will just have to disagr…
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