Pool emptied overnight

Well it is but then its been raining for the last few days, so difficult to tell if its from the pool or the rain.

Yep. That would do it, just like what @_Brian did.

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Chlorine would kill any grass nearby I would have thought or at least turned it a funny colour.

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‘If that vacuum tube was not closed off at both ends’ was the exact quote :wink:

Of course, you’re completely correct, hairbear :cactus:

Good try !
How did you manage to change that reply without it flagging an edit :thinking:

Changes within five minutes of the original post don’t show as edits.

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@MauraChambers1 Please let us know how your investigations progress. It would be great if there is a simple (albeit embarrassing, as in my case!) solution.

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Will do Brian. I’m really hoping that is the problem - embarrassing as it is :woozy_face:

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Yes I thought that but no signs so far :woman_shrugging:

Not at the vastly diluted pool concentration 2-3ppm.

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Been travelling down to the house so only just read this. Great suggestions so I would go with the siphon thought as well. I helped out a lady with her pool years back, took her 2 days to fill it, having done so she un-coupled the hose but left it in place, the siphon action promptly emptied it again, but she hadnt noticed until the family arrived. :open_mouth:

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Thank you everyone for your invaluable advice. We will tackle it when it stops raining and keep fingers crossed that this is the issue. :blush::crossed_fingers: