Possible quitte territoire français

As you have been here over 5 years that means that you have permanent residency rights. Under the WA this means that you can be away for up to 5 years and not lose you residency rights. Did you have a bill or something from 2020 that you submitted? They will always come back with a request for extra documents if they feel yours are a bit light. If they do this feel free to pick my brains about what you can use. What department are you in? Sadly this does make a difference to how strict they are!!

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Thankyou for your advice again Tory. I’m in Haute Vienne. No I haven’t submitted anything for quite a while so I can’t prove I’ve been in the country. I’m not complaining in the slightest, like I said I love my lifestyle but the thought of being ‘repatriated’ to a country I find odious does get me a bit jittery (edit: England not Scotland) I love France, I’m loyal to the country and proud of France.

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Tory will be able to advise on what you can submit to satisfy them. To be honest, you don’t need very much at all - have you evidence of where you were at any point more than 5 years ago?

Hi Angela. Thanks for taking the time to reply. Yes, more than five years ago is OK.

Bills? Bank statements? Ameli statements? Do you own a home?

Apologies, by quoting you specifically I’ve now realised I seem to have singled you out, which was not my intention! I was aware there was a bit of a debate as to merits of extending deadlines, looked back at the thread and quoted yours without perhaps realising the context it might be seen in.

I might have also agreed with you then, why extend, after all I made the effort to research and get everything together in time, but on reflection I think well loads of things could have gone wrong for me (e.g. for first accommodation offered, the proprietor then simply ceased all comms - they got in touch in March, explained loads of family in London had died from Covid).

So I just wanted to make the point that ‘there but for the grace of god go us’ or whatever the phrase is, though perhaps more clumsily made - please put it down to me learning the nuances of online forumming - once again apologies.

And thanks to the people in the forum who have helped and encouraged me along a lot, yourself included. :slight_smile:


Not sure where to post this grauniad article about expulsions of UK citizens from the EU, I recall some posts about the danish / sweden residents but can’t find them. Not starting a new thread - this is just for info.

How many countries make up the EU??? 2,250 in total, doesn’t make many per country… ( just thinking aloud…) and the press article doesn’t have much detail available as to why these folk have been expelled or even if the “order” has been followed through in most cases …

As I know full well, France has been extremely generous… in accepting late applications and minimum information… well done France.

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Think its back up to 27 :wink:


Welcome to SF @Jonathan23 ! You’ll find much excellent advice and support here. And the occasional salty humour.

I wish you well with your CdS application and would just add my advice to that of the others. You’ve done all the right things with the application that is now moving along at its usual bureaucratic pace, so try not to worry as you wait.

Stay with us for your steps ahead!

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Must confess, I’m hoping @Jonathan23 's CdSWA is all done and dusted … and he’s relaxing in his quiet corner of France…
But he’s not been back on the Forum since his last Post in August 2021…

so, @Jonathan23 please can you bring us up to date…???

Useful reminder - when the focus has recently been on the economic damage to the UK - that we have all been stripped of our EU citizenship. Not so important for older people - but a huge loss for the young.

My daughter is going to Portugal in April for the next stage of her studies. Luckily, her French citizenship has come through in time to avoid the hastle and expense - and ineligibility for some grants, etc - that moving there as a British citizen would have involved.
This is the brexit reality for most Brits: no problem if you’re seriously rich; big loss if you’re not.

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We bumped into an English couple with a youngish son while walking near the Spanish border late last year. They had come to see him as he was at Pamplona University on an Erasmus programme - from a Scottish University. It is these sorts of European opportunities that will be missed, as I don’t think the replacement offer is the same.

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Yes, it’s like reading a library book but finding someone has ripped out the final few pages!


The UK replacement is called the ‘Turing Scheme’ - seems to be handing out some pretty large sums of money in the form of grants.

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