Renewal of Carte de Sejour

To be fair, @George1 did post that link in post #80

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Just wondering @JohnH how one would apply for a WARP now that everything has to be done through the ANEF platform.
None of the options offered on ANEF seem to match this situation.

I did also check our prefecture’s website (where they used to offer an “admission exceptionnelle” route which is the one WARP applicants were being advised last year by the Prefecture to use, usually to be met with refusal) but now the prefecture just directs you to ANEF for anything to do with cartes de séjour.

Just this week, I sent an LRAR to the prefecture asking that very question, since they haven’t replied to my two emails where I also asked.
Next step is to actually visit the sous-préfecture if I don’t have an answer by the end of the month.

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[quote Just this week, I sent an LRAR to the prefecture asking that very question, since they haven’t replied to my two emails where I also asked.
Next step is to actually visit the sous-préfecture if I don’t have an answer by the end of the month.

Yonks ago, I was firmly told that a LRAR “demanded” that a Reply be given to the Sender… in other words “could not/should not” be ignored by the person/whatever to whom it was addressed.
In fact, the person who told me this reckoned it was inconceivable that a LRAR might have no effect at all…

so if the Prefecture does ignore you… I expect heads to roll, at a high level :wink: :wink:

OK. Best of luck.
I’m starting to think we might end up having to go down this route after all when I retire end of 2025. My husband is having the most incredible difficulty getting his first Irish passport (even though he has been granted citizenship).
At least both you and I have the spouse-of-an-EU national route to fall back on.

Like you, Jane, pre Brexit, I had a CDS as well and it did smooth the wheels for some medical stuff

Must confess that I feel content when, in a medical situation, I offer my CdSWA along with my CV & Mutuelle… and the staff never blink an eye, let alone ask for the PP…
I do have my Passport in my pocket/ready (as per all the Notices etc… ) just in case :wink:

Before Brexit, it was the PP which was sometimes asked for… and sometimes not… :wink: :wink: in fact, more often not in the early years

Thanks Angela.
I’ll consider it when I retire and have to surrender my special residence permit. Right now the thought of any more dealings with bureaucracy makes me feel physically sick. Between the Irish passport office sending out wrongly worded requests for supporting documents and ANTS refusing to recognise the titre de séjour spécial, I’m tearing my hair out.

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LRAR to Free network cancellling my line with them was signed foe, admitted by Free to have been signed for when I chased it up 3 months later…

And was totally ignored.

Did you complete their form?
I recently cancelled my adsl contract with Free, I did it online, very easy process and everything went smoothly.

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Sandcastle, I followed exactly the résiliation instructions of Free in sending them my LRAR of résiliation.

Noting that the lying cheating barstewards known as Free, are the only network I’m aware of in France that actually requires a LRAR in order to cancel with them. Strictly speaking they only require a hard copy letter in writing to their given Paris address. But read the forums and you’ll know their lying apparently will extend to denying receipt of any letter (or return of Freebox, say) not sent LRAR / contre signature.

Since my cancellation followed months of what I considered fraud by them which is why I cancelled, then Free actually admitting they’d received the LRAR but they had totally ignored it snd kept tsking momey from my bsnk account, at that time in my early knowledge of consumer abuses in France , took my breath away.

You must be on a different package, I had the basic adsl/TV etc offer and no LRAR was necessary. I never sent a hard copy at all. I filled in the online form and got an automatic response immediately confirming the cancellation and explaining the sequence of events and it all went like clockwork. I received the return label by email a week or so later, posted everything back, got the final bill shortly afterwards and it was correct. I had kept my receipt from the tabac preciously because I had read so many tales of people being charged for not sending equipment back when they had, but nothing like that.
It must be the luck of the draw.

Mine was a few years back. Probably about 3.
Mobile only. Wouldn’t touch Free with a barge pole now provided Orange doesn’t go the way of other signals and disappear.