Tax Declaration 2022 for Worldwide Income 2021

If you look through the tax forms help pdf in the link provided you’ll probably find where to put it.

It goes in the form 2042 C Pro - I can’t remember the magic thing you tick to make it appear mind.

Thanks, I just saw that looking on line for it and found where I’d accidentally clicked ME WITH the prelevement but no magic 2042 pro form has appeared on my list.

Thanks Graeme, I already have but will look again!

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The online forms have changed this year which is why you might be having problems with it.
A footnote at the bottom of the tax forms help pdf reports the following note: Online the 2047 forms are called « declaration de revenus » and forms 2042-C, RICI etc are sections to select - not forms.
So, in your graphic, you should select « Declaration de revenus » in the side pane and progress through from there.

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@graham - Many thanks for your efforts this year - it certainly helped with the first year for us declaring my personal pension income - Also thanks to @JaneJones for answering a private message regarding the correct box to tick for non social system affiliation - Hopefully now my tax bill will be correct (fingers crossed).


I’m so far under the non taxable threshold it isn’t funny however they are saying I owe 280€ :cry:

I think you are looking for box 5HY - BA, BIC, BNC À IMPOSER AUX PRÉLÈVEMENTS SOCIAUX Revenus nets . .Régimes micro, reportez le montant après abattement forfaitaire. Micro BIC : 71 % pour les ventes et assimilées ; 50 % pour les prestations de services. Micro BNC : 34 %. Micro BA : 87 %

The easiest way to get to the correct 2042C form is to go to the screen where you select Annexes and use the search box at the top of the page to find 5HY

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The estimation doesn’t seem to be working properly. After deducting the money we’ve already paid, it ended up with a sum much higher than before!

Thanks all, I found the correct bit (I think!). However I’m super confused as our level to not pay impôts is 37,633€ I’m sadly about a 1/3 of that but they have said I owe nearly €300 in tax. Anyone understand why that may be?

The best thing to do is check, check and check again that you have done it right. Start with tax threshold….you have two or three kids? I guess three, but I make your threshold 35788 - not that it should make any difference if you are below that!

One of the final steps in the return is to provide a résumé of your declaration (see page 50 in the guide) just before you sign the return off at the bottom.

  • Have you checked the figures there match your expectations?
  • Have you used the correct exchange rate (if non EUR income)?
  • Have you put in whole amounts where required?
  • Are your familial details correct? (number of parts)
  • Ask a question to the Fisc in the opening pages of the return (Guide page 6 Messagerie sécurisée).

Go and see your local tax office if in any doubt.

Are you sure the €300 is income tax and not social charges?

Social charges come directly out of my salary and I pay 3 monthly for my ME income so don’t think so.

Your not declaring on flat rate tax for the AE are you?

I don’t really know what that means? I’m really not very good at all this stuff!

Revenus non commerciaux professionnels
5IQ BNC professionnels régime micro - Revenus imposables - Déclarant 2 : 2493
BA, BIC, BNC à imposer aux prélèvements sociaux
5IY Revenus à imposer aux contributions sociales - Déclarant 2 : 1645

This is what is on my summary - I put the 1645 as 34% off the total ME amount. Entirely possible I’ve misunderstood / misfilled in this section. I did put a note in saying I was unsure about 5IY.

Does anyone know if small family cash gifts (visible in French bank account) for birthdays should be declared anywhere?

I read that in the French version to see if it made more sense. But still seems to be saying only taxable if you tell the tax authorities (or they become aware)!! I find that bizarre

see also Xmas Presents and French Gift Tax |
and, more generally,
Gifts Tax in France

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