Tempo couleur du jour - thread paused until 01/11/2024 😎

Le Monde reports (see screenshot) that EDF prices will rise 10,1% from 1 February for subscribers to Tempo’s predecessor (?) EJP.

I assume this probably means that Tempo prices will also increase by 10,1% The EDF tariff online is not yet showing the increases, but presumably will be updated shortly…

I’m sure thee will be an increase, but I suspect not as much as that. They are trying to get rid of EJP contracts.

They tend to only change once the new tarif comes in :roll_eyes:

I’d love you to be proved right @Badger on Tempo’s (lower) price increase, but on this one I’m feeling a bit pessimistic. This site shares the same pessimism… albeit speculative…

Yes, speculation. No surprise really as this article is on a site that exists to interest you in the non-regulated tarifs being hawked by the third party energy suppliers.

I’d be very surprised if any other supplier comes close to the good deal that Tempo blue HC represents.

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After around 8 complaints by phone and email, since the start of ‘Jours rouges’ last November, and both me and every EDF agent correctly setting my account up again and again to receive the SMS alerts given each time the following day is a Jour Rouge… nope no SMS alert for Jour Rouge has ever been received. Just the email.

EDF each time is charming but totally ineffective. Their agents might have been well trained in scripted formulas of nice words to the customers. But despite promises to ‘remonter’ ie escalate, or refer to a specialist team, it’s clear there is absolutely no mechanism set up in EDF that is even attempting to solve the problem that EDF is not meeting its promise of an alert by SMS when there is going to be a jour rouge the following day.

This is important as electricity on the jour rouge costs around 7 times the normal price. So if someone takes the offered option from EDF to receive an SMS alert, EDF should provide it. I’m not receiving any SMS, at all. I cannot guarantee to always have access to a smartphone or a computer. Have always made it clear to EDF that if they can’t meet their promise of both an email and an SMS alert, then the SMS is the one that’s needed.

Have finally had enough of the ‘charm’ of EDF, as there’s no efficacite and I’m pretty sure they really couldn’t give a t0$$ about any customer they’re not fulfilling their promise of an important alert to.

I am also sure there will be thousands, if not tens of thousands, of other EDF customers, not just me, who systematically are not receiving the promised alert from EDF of jours rouges, that they had correctly signed up for.

Does anyone know is this something I can escalate to the EDF mediateur for their lack of performance despite repeated complaints ? Even if there’s some external cause, such as part of a phone network not being cooperative, EDF is enough of a monopoly to be obliged at least to investigate and use its power to identify the issue concerned, at a minimum. Given their monopoly-type position servicing millions of France’s customers, I think it would also be reasonable for them to engage with any external party that could be involved in their SMS’s not being received by customers if it turns out to be not just EDF inefficiency.

Does anyone know is there an equivalent of the Freedom of Information Act in France, and would it apply to EDF. As I’d like to get them to disclose how many customers have reported not receiving the promised jour rouge SMS from EDF (which I think will be a significant number, and would aid escalation). As close to a monopoly, EDF is clearly cherry-picking what problems it solves, and not geared up to anything which is not a simple problem which can be solved by the well-trained charm (only) of their customer service agents. With nothing behind that first level of support other than a silent ‘raspberry’ for customers.

Madame Ras le Bol

Have you had other SMS communication with them? They obv have a cockup somewhere with the SMS system. Have they got your number correctly? It seems v weird, I used to get SMS and email warning of red days when they stopped with the little box you plugged into the mains. Do you use your espace client?

Thanks Vero for taking an interest. Yes I receive SMS’s from everyone, including other large mass senders, constantly meanwhile. Alerts set up and re-set up (agents’s insistence but that’s all they ever do) multiple, multiple times by me and then also EDF agents in espace client.

An early agent send a manual SMS which was also not received. Her colleague later that same day refused to work with me to send another one. As by then (being ex-technical services in computers, to which telecom has overlap) I’d called my network asking if there was any block or issue at their level in receiving SMS’s sent by mass senders as I’d realised that SMS sent manually had also accidentally acted as a test, that had also failed, as well as the automated alertsnfailing. Blockage of mass send emails happens with some email providers, so not a stretch to imagine some networks could have something in place for SMS’s. I’ve definitely not blocked anything and the network checked anyway and reset some parameters on my sms mailbox just to be sure. Then they asked me to have EDF try again now and they would check immediately.

The 2nd colleague absolutely refused to send another manual SMS even though I had my network with a call open, waiting for them to do so they could track and check immediately, Wouldn’t even do that simple thing that spontaneously his colleague had also done. Would only repeat the re-set up of standard parameters that by then had failed 5 times before, each time with a different agent only wanting to re-do just that. That lack of cooperation and willingness to actually solve a problem was what first began to get me really h4cked off with EDF. I told the agent I was going to complain about his refusal to help, and he blocked me receiving the survey normally received after a call (I think by not registering the call, as I called another agent who told me it was impossible for an individual agent to block that survey).

Now 2 more complaints and 2 more charming EDF agents later so at least 7 reclamations since November, I’ve finally had enough that there is absolutely no suivi beyond easy problems able to be dealt with by first line support, and certain there will be many customers in the same position but EDF can’t give a t0$$.

So wondering if this is a category I can raise to their mediateur [failure to provide promised service and failure to investigate when not provided]. And also is there a Freedom of Information Act to which EDF would also be subject, in France that I could use to get them to disclose how many complaints of same they’re receiving. if it’s just me I will go away. But I think it will be thousands, easily potentially tens of thousands, if it’s the network cause I suspect which they would definitely have the power to identify in their data and engage with outside party or their own department or subcontractor, to sort.

Bonus on this is that I am slowly learning the art of being charming whilst complaining and not just Anglo-logical… but enough is enough. I’m fairly sure EDF is being lazy. In some ways it’s an abuse of a monopoly-type position when they admitted there are a number of customers that are affected… But they don’t care based on their complete absence of suivi.

So looking for ways to make them care and sort it. Thinking:

  • is mediateur next step and
  • do I have Freedom of Information rights to get them to disclose how many of us are not receiving the SMS jour rouge alert they promise so as to indicate size of the problem/numbers affected.

Karen - I’m hesitant to suggest this but I once had a similar problem which I eventually discovered was my fault. I had entered my mobile number as 33 6 51 xx xx xx rather than 06 51 xx xx xx.

I doubt you’ve done the same but felt I should mention it as a possibility…

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That is a pain. I’ve fallen foul of that as well. What is even more annoying is that some systems work only if you put in the ‘0’ and some only work if you don’t. :rage: Most work either way, as it should be.

I’m getting two sms messages and two emails. - perhaps I’m getting yours @KarenLot

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Yes, had checked that and so had the multiple agents that each insisted on resetting and redoing

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I don’t know if this is scaremongering (the Selectra site obviously aims to get you to switch providers etc), but it is predicting significant Tempo increases from Thursday 1 Feb. Similar sites are suggesting the same sorts of increases…Time will tell etc…

Never say never, but recent times have proved to be somewhat unpredictable. I can’t imagine EDF would do this, otherwise there would surely be absolute uproar………more protests on the way???

Did the article happen to mention anything about the fixed charge?

It suggests the 9kVA amount will remain unchanged at 192€. Here is the link to the tariff projections - (and a highly technical explanation for the increases!) for those interested…

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As you suggested, looks like some pretty hefty increases have landed on tempo, especially blue off peak.

Below are screenshots of Oct 23 rates and today’s (the reduction you can see for the fixed charge is due to me moving from 9 to 6kv)

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Screenshot from EDF’s rates page…& link here.
Despite all Tempo rates going up 0,024€/kWh it’s still waaaay cheaper than Base or HC/HP, apart from those pesky 22 x 18 hour red periods.


White and blue days next week, a few reds thrown in the week after…maybe🤔

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Is it “up to” 22 red days a year (weather dependent) or definitely 22 red days a year. In other words even if it’s mild will we still get hit with another nine red days?

Deffo 22 days a year, so in March if there are a few left you can have a whole week of them.