I don’t really know what you mean by that…???
It’s very simple. I can’t see any evidence in any of your posts where you refer to actual recognised scientific publications as sources.
I don’t fear anything Greg…some people seem to fear the “unvaccinated” when if they really felt that the “covid 19/SARS Cov 2/Coronavirus vaccines” worked then they should logically have no fear of the unvaccinated…
I think you’re a vixen (not vaccine) Helen. Are you just having fun?
Maybe because I have been away from the forum for a while as my mum has been in hospital for many weeks and Is now thankfully recovering at home…
Lol I care about y’all
And I also care very much about my family and informed consent and the world I will leave behind for my grand babies and their babies
I’ve already explained why unvaccinated people would be a problem, I don’t need to do so twice.
And I think you have just accused me of being an “AI bot” with no justification whatsoever…
Funny how that goes…the unvaccinated are supposed to just acquiesce to those who consider the unvaccinated a problem…when the unvaccinated have valid concerns and billions are being spent on behavioural scientists and ad campaigns and coercive bribes and coercive techniques…
There is zero benefit to the vaccine for an individual…it’s a coronavirus, like the common cold and the flu, it will just keep mutating…so those of you who keep ‘consuming’ the vaccine just like you consume lots of other useless stuff on the planet…let’s say after vaccine number 10 will you finally admit you’ve been had?
The benefit of the vaccine for your overseers is the erosion of liberty (for which France was once great) of privacy and the pursuit of global control…I guess you either see the big picture or you don’t
Thankfully I don’t see that kind of “big picture” scary for me the tripe that some people think.
The it’s all a big corporate/government conspiracy theory and the virus won’t affect me way of thinking just scares me, I suppose people are just dying out of spite
Yes of course, that’s what viruses do. And maybe over time the general antibody level in the population will rise so as a class of coronaviruses this one becomes less impactful. And you get to the situation say with flu viruses where it is a choice to have an annual vaccine, especially if you are vulnerable. But the overall mortality rate is considered acceptable.
But we are not there yet and the mortality among many groups of people is still very high.
why is it spite when some of us want to use intelligence and a libertarian POV to defend young people who have there whole life ahead of them? Quel surprise so many ‘zombies’ around ready to shoot you down when you dare go against the official narrative…this woman gets it https://twitter.com/CharlieEmmaUK/status/1399322148376809475
quote ‘Variants arise rapidly because of rapid mass vaccination as the virus, instead of dwindling as it normally would, suddenly begins to try & find ways to survive. Basic virology’
Errrr, in a word, no.
Don’t anthropomorphise. Viruses don’t think and they certainly don’t “try … to find ways to survive”.
Mutation occurs when viruses replicate, some variants will be fitter but if you deny the opportunity to replicate you also deny the opportunity to mutate.
“We have been deeply disturbed to hear several Government and SAGE representatives calling in the media for the COVID-19 vaccine rollout to be “turning to children as fast as we can”.2 Teaching materials circulated to London schools contain emotionally loaded questions and inaccuracies3. In addition, there has been disturbing language used by teaching union leaders, implying that coercion of children to accept the COVID-19 vaccines through peer pressure in schools was to be encouraged, despite the fact that coercion to accept a medical treatment is against UK and International Laws and Declarations.4 Rhetoric such as this is irresponsible and unethical, and encourages the public to demand the vaccination of minors with a product still at the research stage and about which no medium- or long-term effects are known, against a disease which presents no material risk to them.“
When it comes to under 16s I agree caution is needed.
tbh not for the longterm though.
for instance we don’t know all sorts of things about possible effects in humans longterm.
but if I’m hosing myself with water to make myself safer whilst running away from a bushfire that’s coming closer, I am not going to worry if there’s a tiny trace of pesticide in the water.
well done using a long word a virus doesn’t want to ‘kill it’s host’ cos then it kills itself! Anyway this is all moot cos it mutates all the time just like flu. It’s here to stay, the sooner you recognise this the sooner you can get on with your life…methinks most folks would rather be oppressed though
Methinks most folk would rather not be dead.
the survival rate is something like 99.8% much better than the statistics for an untested drug being bandied about by the drug corps and the liars in the government PDLIF
not many fit and healthy folk are being killed. would you like to see info posted on the healthy people who have suddenly ‘dropped dead’ after taking the vaccine too? How about this ‘balanced view’ for a change?
so the human body is 99% successful at tackling a virus, Pfizer and Moderna what 94-95%
oh dear no love for ‘mother nature’ anymore yet so such love for giving loadsamoney to the drug companies, what a strange world we now live in, n’est ce pas?