Report them to your local SPA .. they will take a dim view of a dog shut in for so much time
Report them to your local SPA .. they will take a dim view of a dog shut in for so much time
Definitely contact the mairie and the SPA about the dog(s). That's appalling. Perhaps post them a note stating a date by which you want your property returned (list what it is) and keep a copy, stating if it isn't returned, you will have no option but to go to the police.
No, I don't know who the landlord is, just that he lives in the next village. He had the house valued about three months ago with a view to putting it up for sale. I don't know if he would do anything about the situation, as my neighbours said that he won't do general repairs on the house..........perhaps the town hall would have more info?.........we have to go back to UK next week , and plan to return straight away, to start enjoying the place at long last, but to be honest, our hopes of relaxing and having peace and quiet are not looking very good!............thank you for your replies, I really appreciate them.
Do you know who the landlord is and do they know about the situation?
You must contact the Police Municipale, the Mairie and the SPA
Hi All,
I have purchased my dream house in Jan 2021. My family was happy just one week and then the neighbour issue started. We can park two cars in front of our house and next there is a visitor’s parking and the person on the opposite comes and park’s permanently at the visitors place. Also he is trying to hit our car and the waste box. He is trying to provoke us. He started to behave as we had asked him not to park permanently at the visitors parking place. Any advice please
Are you in a large town or a small village.
Village location… generally a good idea to speak with someone at the Mairie… although visitor parking can be often used by anyone (certainly in my village).
If there is a danger to your own vehicle due to him/anyone using the visitor parking, perhaps the Mairie could consider posts which would separate/protect your own parking area.
As I say… why not have a quiet chat and ask the question…
It’s not clear from your post whether you have actually asked him not to park there, or as if he is behaving as if you asked but in fact you have not asked?