Getting older is inevitable, growing up is optional
Link please!!?
We ended up eating at 10.30! Between the teen deciding he wasn’t cooking as promised at after 8.39 plus the heat, yuck!
I cooked at midday, as we had a guest… but it was only a light meal, swiftly put together (albeit deliciously washed down with the champagne…).
Just your normal lunch then @Stella!
Here you go @toryroo a blessing and a pleasure in this heat!!
champagne is always delicious, but even more so when it’s a gift… hic
Don’t leave your animals in the car… or in any situation where they are unable to get out of the heat and have something to drink…
Seems Friday and Saturday are going to beat all records… try and think cool thoughts…
We’ve had a shade temp of 36° today and it’ll be hotter tomorrow, but everything’s comfortable indoors, used a dehumidifier function in one room and the rest of the house remained cool - thick walls and small windows. Our car has a large glass roof panel, but it can covered with an opaque panel at the touch of a button and that together with newly recharged A/C makes driving very comfortable.
Glad to hear that you were not driving unprotected in a heatwave.
We live 450m up in the Black Mountains north of Carcassonne and it’s due to be 40C tomorrow. In the valley, it will be 3 to 4 degrees hotter. I recon we’ve dodged a bullet as where we are now, in the Côte d’Azur, it’s due to be 10 degrees cooler.
The cicada’s outside are already quite deafening with the heat, so think I might give any jobs outside a rather wide birth today but will most certainly be basking in the outside shower at some point this afternoon
Inside isn’t too bad yet, but very very pleased I had the clima fitted when I arrived - don’t use it constantly, but give it a quick blast periodically and works quite effectively. I was out on the quad yesterday and it was like someone was blowing a hair dryer on me - incredible!
Midnight temperatures are looking pretty hot too… 31c at Midnight tonight in Bordeaux… !!!
watch out folks…
Around us, the heat has been so oppressive that even the cicadas have had enough and are keeping schtum… it’s been quite wierd.
Perhaps yours are on holiday and, like so many Brit holiday makers, oblivious to the warnings and making the most of the sun …
All joking apart… the Warnings are quite clear.
Take care Everyone…
Aircon is wonderful in the car… but don’t go too mad…
and likewise… don’t go diving into the pool etc etc…
We just ate dinner outside tonight, and in a moment I’m going to get the laptop so I can learn a bit more French. This is all practice for our next visit in a few weeks time, when the weather will be balmy and we can sit at the top of our steps to watch the world.
Nothing is ever allowed to be quite perfect, and one of the local farmers had organised a clay pigeon shoot in a field - cue continual bangs and thumps being heard over a couple of kilometers from the site, sodding up an otherwise splendid evening made potentially nicer by a road closer halting traffic past the house. I’ve just had to pop inside because the laptop battery ran out, just as the firing had stopped.