Hi John, Grazon is a brand name and the active ingredient is triclopyr, its a selective herbicide for grassland which kills the broadleaf weeds. Another product here is désherbant gazon by fertiligène (active ingredient - dicophar), gamm vert sell this over the counter.
BTW, I wasn’t intending to lecture, I simply like to explain an alternative method which works for me. My lawns are not meadows, I mow weekly (except in drought), so they are useable family areas, and raise the cutting height from time to time. I usually cut at between 1.5 inch to 2.5 inch with a rotary mower. Whereas the fine lawns I spoke of where cut to an inch or less with a cylinder machine. Of course depending on where you live your regime may need to be adapted to the grass species.
Maybe I am too late and you may have already seen this -
I don’t know the name of this tool, either in French or English, but they are available here. You push it into the soil either side of the weed and then it can be easily pulled out.
I wouldn’t advise trying to do the whole lot in one go! Just take it with you as you stroll around the grounds and leap on an unsuspecting weed from time to time as the fancy takes you. Very satisfying! But buy wisely, cheap lightweight ones bend easily. Worth paying more for hardened steel. They don’t like it up 'em!
I’ve got a cool one that I got from Lidl, I love it as it doesn’t require bending over, you use it standing up!
But do you remember what it is called?
No I don’t !!! I’ll see if I can find a picture for you Mike, it really is a fantastic thing, it basically has 2 things shaped much like yours and you push down getting the 2 prongs either side of the weed root then you turn and pull up and the whole thing comes up (usually!).
I use a long, thick screwdriver…works for me anyway.
Tough to use on clay after a month with no rain. I recommend getting out there when the ground’s wet.
Of course, you could take the chemistry route, but do you really want to risk damaging the ecosystem of your plot? Do you want to inhale the spray drift? The nicest thing about having your own garden is that you don’t have to use that stuff.
To a man with a hammer, everything looks like a nail!
No good here then, all my screwdrivers are quite intelligent !
Interesting situation here, because the grass has stopped growing following a long spell with minimal rainfall.
What are still doing well are thousands of tiny oak trees and those hardy weeds, scientifically known as “little yellow daisy like jobs on long stalks.”
Too many to remove by hand, but is it worth getting the mower out just for the weeds?
We are in Manche, how is it with you?
I’d say yes, you won’t remove the ground hugging base of the "little yellow daisy like jobs on long stalks.” but those little daisy like things will become a source of seed to grow more weeds (clever little b****r, nature), and it will clear out the oak saplings before they become a problem.
The forecast for the coming fortnight varies between full sun and assez nuageux, but no rain.
So I guess I’ll have to mow anyway, even if it doesn’t help the grass. At least it’s easier to clean the mower deck when it’s dry!
The little daisy like jobs on long stalks could well be coltsfoot, or chasse-toux. A fascinating thing as a pioneer plant that loves to colonise disturbed group, and can spread underground as well as each plant producing up to 3000 seeds (get that lawn mower out…). Often the first to flower in spring, and the last. It really is a toughie, so you should admire it. Used to be used for herbal teas, but may affect liver so no longer recommended.
I tried Googling ‘grass that grows sideways’ and came up with dozens of things e.g. cocksfoot and hairy finger! Can you remember the name, please? Is LBC the radio station?
can’t help with the grass info… but I reckon LBC is “Le Bon Coin” a useful buying/selling site…
Oh, silly me, of course !
Possibly a chamomile lawn
Thanks. Migt be but we get flooded every time it rains and it wouldn’t like that - shame!