What exercises work for you?

I agree but also the past paves the way and we didnt know some of the things that later cause problems like excess calcium. The milk marketing board banging home strengthens bones which is utter nonsense and can lead to issues.

My repetitive calcification is absolutely B* all to do with calcium levels!

Fair enough but what is the cause?

4 doctors have yet to decide! Mainly auto-immune gives me the tendency…

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Nearly all exercise involves stretching, which is nearly impossible for me.
I have abdominal adhesions due to severe endometriosis.
I have had to stop gardening due to the damage to my back.
I was in the pool this afternoon, which is my favourite and best form of exercise.


Walking behind a self propelled lawnmower for 4 miles around the farm does it for me :wink::laughing:


Autoimmune was my first thought when you said it wasnt calcium levels. Calcium is used in several issues in the body such as the arterial plaque to prevent leaks and in autoimmune cases to do something but unfortunately it leads to painful symptoms. Some friends are also suffering so hope you get some relief.

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Have you thought about getting a few lambs?

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A few lambs wouldn’t make any difference, I would need a flock :relaxed:, the farm had been empty for a few years and reclaiming the fields take time, there are 4 acres still to go and the farmer and me start next month, the area behind the farm buildings from the lakes in a strip.
I have reclaimed one paddock, but the rest is 6-7ft brambles, reeds and trees and I need to get to a point where I can use the ride on mower, so exercise is not a problem at the moment :laughing:


Just to say we bought an exercise bike about a month ago and it has been a great help easing OH back ache and hip pain. A great investment!


@Stella I totally get the struggle with “bat wings” or flabby arms. I checked out the video you shared, and those exercises look super easy and effective. Thanks for sharing!

I have been having to learn to walk “properly” again and realised how much we take our poor feet for granted and never really look after them. Just a few simple goose step marching, walking backwards, walking on the grouting line of the floor tiles and trying to put weight on toes only by raising heels, its amazing how these little exercises help and tire you out, I am knackered after half and hour of this! Can’t wait to get back and do some proper walking again and choose some decent new boots as well to do so. Before my ops I bought a stepper from Decathlon after having one years ago and that has helped keep my thighs and calves nice and tight and strong, they are not expensive and can go under the bed when not being used, very recommended if you can’t get outside to walk far.


Birthday today, so added a kilo to all of my dumbbells - but didn’t bother picking them up :slight_smile:

Also use an adjustable grip exerciser that I bought in Aldi about fifteen years ago. Keep it handy on a side table so can do a few sets at any time.


Happy birthday :champagne::clinking_glasses:

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Happy Birthday DtMarkH, so if are not working out what are you doing to celebrate?

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Many Happy Returns, DrMark!

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Well, I’d actually picked up those weights this morning cos it was a point of honour, just couldn’t resist the earlier joke. so the day started with an endomorphin rush. but in order to maintain some balance it’ll end with us trying two new Marcillac wines.

Otherwise, it’s a day for reflection and I’m celebrating the simple incalculable things, loving living in the moment, I’m seventy-one and in better physical shape than a decade ago, can still do longish hikes two or three times a week without aching the next day; equally importantly the brain can still read, process and and write stuff that feeds into the research community.

Lastly, I’ve also got a beautiful, healthy, very intelligent wife (would be in deep you know what if I’d left her out!)

So, life could be a lot worse. Overall, I’ve been pretty lucky, but am saddened whenever an SF poster casually mentions in passing some major medical crisis or condition that they’re quietly and stoically dealing with.

Better to end on a happier note - the expected Tories pre-election OAP bribe was a bit more than expected!


Congratulations Mark

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