This post explains all!
Once again it is time for the submission of French Tax returns.
This year, I have created a series of pdf files to help in this regard which I shall link to in this first post in the topic for ease of reference.
Please note that the pdf’s are stored in a discrete area of my on line Dropbox folder. You are welcome to freely download them and use them to assist in your task.
May I suggest that you bookmark this topic so you can easily come back to it at any time. The link will remain in the fist post in the topic for ease of reference.
Any changes/improvements that are made to the pdf’s will be automatically reflected in the link posted here which will avoid unnecessary multiple reposting of pdf’s basically containing the same information which, in turn, will hopefully save this topic from becoming too burdensome.
Also, please respect the #stayontopic tag. It’s not used very often and only in special circumstances. Note that @cat has approved this use of the tag on this topic.
May …
There is a correct box and an incorrect box. 4BE and 4BK I seem to recall. Unless you are exempt from CDS/CRGS then you pay all social charges. Otherwise just 7.5% prélèvement sociales
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