I had to post this Link, if only for the photo …
Nice welcome for my guests arriving today
It’s dark, thunder and lightning…lawn mowing postponed
Booked in for a 10km walk and repas tonight but not looking good at the moment, mega storms are approaching rapidly from Bordeaux bringing lots of hail and torrential rain.
Angoulême has had it bad as well …
Saying that the month of May has been electric… might just be an understatement…
It’s been a good month here Stella, in SE Morbihan! as long as you aren’t a lettuce, in which case, it’s been a bit dry
Sounds like the lettuce are just how the rabbits like 'em
Hardly a mouthful Stella
The Weather is still going crazy… keep dry and safe everyone… and watch those roads when it is hammering down… especially if there’s hail …
We have noticed how the weather has changed since we bought our house in 2005.
There is a wide belt of weather starting in the south west and crossing France up to the north east.
We, here in the Clunysois, are on the southern edge of this belt and , so far, have not had the worst of this appalling weather, apart from one really bad hailstorm.
Apart from this belt, the bad weather coming from across the Atlantic splits in two, one going across France and the other following the line of the Med and ending up in northern Italy.
We feel lucky that we have bought here.
Fingers crossed that we continue to stay safe.
For the second Monday running youngest son (who’s a pompier) has spent his shift pumping out houses.
I am so glad our village had storm drains etc put in some years ago… before that, when it rained heavily, it all swirled around the church, gathered momentum, and then crashed into our house… ending up in the cellar… (which is why we had a 4 inch layer of pebbles put down there) … phew…
The weather has gone mad here in the Southern Tarn (81). We seem to either have constant rain and grey skies or muggy, stormy weather. Spring has been a washout. Where is the warm sunshine with clear blue skies? We’ve probably had less than 10 days of that this year.
We are on orange alert for storms and hail today and the forecast says rain showers or storms for the next 10 days. Most bizarre.
on holiday again.
We have a pleasant enough spring in SE 56, though it’s bit thundery, (rumbles) but nothing dramatic, and not enough rain, garden is parched
Hi Harry !!! I’m constantly on holiday Hope things are going ok for you…
I have never experienced so many storms in the UK…such as those we have had in France over the last 20 years… and this winter/spring/summer (huh) it has been storm after storm. …
Thankfully, not all of those forecast do arrive or last long if they do. It is only the odd one that settles overhead and has the whole village quaking…and me pulling the bedclothes over my head.
In UK storms were very much the exception… I would go to the prom to delight in the storms far out at sea … and, when we were in Devon, from my bedroom I would watch a storm light-up the distant hills instead… and there was one in Southwold which nearly hit the lighthouse… but those storms were few and far between and spread over many years.
Somebody has hit the Storm button by mistake… ???