Kind of snap on stents, got three. Two within 48 hours of heart attack, other two weeks later. NHS waiting list????? Usually via the local crematorium!
Good luck with the knee, Michael.
The health service here is a bit of a production line, but the hospitals are clean and the staff are competent. Also, hospital food is good, so they won't starve you to death, like they do in the UK!
I agree with Cynthia.
I think the rich should get the same basic pension and allowances as other workers - so long as they are fairly taxed on their additional income. It might help to remind them of how little some people are expected to survive on........
Quite right Michael.
I follow a regime of diet and exercise, to ensure that I continue to receive my miserable pension as long as possible. It's the only way I can be sure of getting my revenge!
This is not the Chief Executive of the Co-op Bank, nor the Mayor of Toronto, but who is he? Is he a close colleague of Mr Iain Duncan-Smith or by any chance another closely involved in major decisions relating to removal of the right of British expats to continue to be paid the Winter Fuel Payment? We need to be told.![](upload://pgt8XS2NMaUl2n6OHWFcmHqojnv.jpg)
Yes, no problem with that at all.
You aren't going to convert the DM. It is only there to confirm the prejudices of Little Englanders who believe that anyone who is not exactly like themselves, is either a traitor or a dangerous alien.
But Cameron doesn't like to be unpopular, so I suggest we all take a local winter photograph and send it to him as a Christmas card.
Also, if you actually drop dead from hypothermia, be sure to let him know!
Bet that Costa del Sol photo wasn't taken in January........!
I agree with you. Might be assets not just income but many elderly people are asset and not income rich.
Just goes to show that in reality it has nothing to do with temperature but the amount of people who chose to live in France. A lot more than say Italy
Only +250 metres here in the Monts d'Arree and less than 30 minutes from the sea but- it's been snowing here this afternoon! Please Mr Smith can we have our WFP back? Two wood burners and 16 radiators to support (but we don't use most of them). We are quite frequently cut off in snow and my wife has to drive over 20 miles at 0530 to her work. It's 2 degrees C here right now and double that in Ian Duncan-Smith's constituency. Bet it's nice and cosy in ID-S's mansion there but he only seems to have an outdoor pool unlike the cartoonist Mac of the Daily Mail! Up the ruling classes! Pip! Pip!
The Daily Wail and IDS between them are piling on the pressure. The morality of the damned is the best I can think of them.
As for the Mac cartoon, words fail me.
I am now getting angry. If I was in the UK it may well be in the form of scattered ashes. When we left the NHS was a nightmare, with Hunt's messing with doctors' and nurses' lives so many have left their jobs that the latest news about knowing how many is shocking. When I think where I would be if still alive there... On a waiting list, whereas here I had my first implants within 48 hours of need arising, my hypoxia as well as the coronary problems, apnoea and some neurological issues are dealt with regularly and efficiently. I have one of the best shoulder replacement specialist in the world on my Carte Vitale and complimentary. No NHS eternal waiting list. Without that care I would be unable to sit by a pool, not that we have or can afford one anyway, I am not allowed to drink the vino, my controlled diet is more expensive than otherwise and I am supposed to stay warm. OK clever dicks, tell me how I would be wasting my measly £200 that a large part of my life has actually been saving for via the Exchequer? These people thrive on these caricature forms of what we are supposed to be and then claim thousands in expenses for things where they are already making a lot of money, such as getting an allowance for a flat or house they have rented out whilst living in ministerial luxury. The morality is beneath contempt.
I shall write some very nasty letters of complaint to them.
Willco. A friend since school who went to uni with me has just said in an email that he has resigned from his local Conservative party committee, Zac Goldsmith's Richmond upon Thames constituency, for their MP's extreme views and saying IDS is a well intentioned minister who only has the country at heart at a constituency meeting. Dave, my friend, works for the DWP in Whitehall and does not know where they get their so-called information from. Enough is enough, he says.
Mail rubbish after school run.
Latest Update:
Just take a look at this!
and this!
IDS is fighting back! A few of us are lodging complaints with the PCC (Press Complaints Commission) as we are deeply offended by this obnoxious caricature of British expats.
If you are prepared to do the same, then send me a message and I will give you examples of material which has already been submitted.
After living out of the UK for fifteen years you lose your right to vote there and it seems that even though cAmeron is quite happy to lecture other people on democracy and humN rights, he does not follow it himself.
It appears to be a common problem in England and Wales. Either they are fence sitters or raving nut cases like IDS, Hunt or Gove with a few clueless people like Cameron and Osborne in key posts. After the next election the two Eds will lead the same kind of self-interested parliament of course.
I came to live in France not because I loved France, its institutions, its politics or its weather but because I loved space - the space to play music and to see the stars on clear nights. I don't want to become French just soi I cna vote somewhere.
No one in govt seems to have noticed that by leaving the UK we are doing our bit to free up some road, housing and hospital space, in an increasingly overcrowded land.
Graham, most people have paid well and truly for there pensions and WFA so they should receive it where ever they may live....... My Hubby has 42 years of contributions and now they only need 30 odd............................ makes me angry!!!
So it's OK then not to be able to vote in any county's parliamentary elections unless you change your nationality? No representation at all unless you become what you're not - foreign? No matter that you pay taxes to a government that you don't vote for? Or suffer from the results of a referendum you weren't allowed to vote for that affects your status?
Those who live in glasshouses benefit from solar heating and can stay nicely warm in winter
David, I just got a reply enclosing the standard letter from Steve Webb. I don’t know what it is about the Stroud constituency, but it attracts fence sitters.
I did say that as our MP he is there to protect the interests of his constituents when policy is based upon false information, even if it is a Conservative government policy!