60th wedding anniversary gift

We have some friends who are shortly to celebrate their 60th wedding anniversary. They are Belgians but have lived in France for many years.

They have a big garden but he is proudest of the potager part. They have a big house, too.

We would like to give them a gift but are stumped, not so much by the age difference but certainly by the cultural difference.

We’d probably like to buy something British: they are definitely Anglophiles, especially the husband.

Over to the panel! All ideas gratefully accepted.

I can’t think of anything nicer than a pair of Uncle Peter’s trowels (long and short handled perhaps).

Not sure what the shipping is now post Brexit but everyone I have given one to has absolutely loved it. Fits one’s hand well, and is beautiful. I even keep mine clean!!


I think you want to find something memorable. I personally presented my husband with a watch for our 10th anniversary. I was lucky to address bigwatchbuyers.com which sell luxury watches in New York and overseas. They helped me choose a good watch at a reasonable price.
If you don’t like the idea of the watch, personalized jewelry with engraving might also be a good choice. I guess, all women like jewelry and accessories :slight_smile:

Hi there and welcome to the forum.

I’m just wondering… is there a restaurant which you both like the look of … but is perhaps a little outside one’s normal budget…

If so, it might be nice to have that “special meal” instead of a solid object of some sort…

No. :roll_eyes:


Congratulations @lexfurther on your 20th!

Gifts are a minefield, especially one so fraught with significance. My suggestion, with 40 years of anniversaries, is to steer well away from surprises. Except of course a large bunch of her favourite flowers on the day.

@Stella’s idea of a lovely restaurant is an excellent base. You can leave exactly where as a surprise but the lady needs to have some idea in order to decide what she will wear. And prepare! Sharing a happy memory is part of the celebration.

Then my advice would be to ask your wife during the dinner what she would like, and if it requires a shopping trip, say you can go together to find it tomorrow.

Ladies, in general, do like jewellery gifts from their loved one. Perhaps because it shows a value of love. It is also purely for joy. Unlike a new hoover.

BUT… A woman’s taste in jewellery may be very personal and particular. Best to know exactly what she would like rather than risk an expensive tragedy. Many a loving wife will not ask for the receipt or say anything but how lovely is your gift, because the thought does indeed count. However, why risk your gift never again leaving its box, or having your lovely wife feeling that you see her in some way so differently to how she feels she is. She may actually prefer a handbag. Or a new hat. She loves you too, so likely won’t ask for a Ferrari.

A minefield. But, with best intentions added to thoughtful communication this anniversary gift can be a loved favourite for the next 20 years!

(I asked for a puppy 10 years ago and ended with a pair. Better than diamonds!)


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I should have thought that something like a new ironing board or vacuum cleaner would be appreciated :wink::joy::joy:


Possibly, but once past 40 or so you either have everything you need, or you have developed a clear personal idea of what you like and anything bought by someone else will be disappointing.

Only in general - some don’t! Nor handbags and hats!


I would definitely agree with that. Added to much less opportunity to dress up. However, the OP is celebrating a 20th, so still may be quite sprightly and enjoy dressing up. I quite often like scent and my husband accompanies me to sniff and opine.

Best always to ask! We are all different and may hope that our individual loved ones should know but….

Or, just go to Cartier. And keep the receipt.

:euro: :euro: :euro:

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Well, if you’ve already got an iPad and iphone, an iRon is a lovely idea.

Bearing in mind this was for a wedding anniversary, so probably not much help for you, we went with two trowels (@JaneJones’s suggestion: thank you!).

The current Mrs Porridge would not thank you for jewellery or anything like that. We’ve never gone in for anniversary presents, but always have a meal out somewhere special. This year we’re going for a couple of nights to an expensive (for us) hotel.

i recommend you ascertain if your wife really would like something she can keep, or whether doing something memorable would be better. A surprise, and something you have plainly spent a lot of effort thinking about or organising would be appreciated by - I think - any woman. The more “romantic” the better. Dinner where you had your first date (if it was crummy, so much the better) followed by a night away at an expensive hotel nearby?

If you’re set on something she can keep, then speak to some of her friends to (a) check they agree and (b) get idea(s). Thus you will avoid errors and your wife gains kudos for a thoughtful husband.

Good luck!

Wonderful, so pleased that idea bore fruit.

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My OH would probably be more appréciative for a set of snap-on spanners, she has the hammer and drill :laughing:


A special book would be a good idea.

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Two long service medals or bravery awards? :grinning:

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We’ll all club together to make sure you get one :joy::joy::joy:


OH gave me a pressure cooker once… just the once… he realized his mistake and has spent the last 50 years making up for it… :wink:


Does he still wear it???


plus bars for the 5 year stint on the campaign gong