Let’s not tell it how we know
I love this poster… and still laughing…
I just received an email advertising pills to boost male sexual energy. They’re called, and I’m not making this up, Anaboloxan.
A tourist was knocked unconscious on the London eye this morning. Police have said he’s coming round slowly.
Peter Tinniswood. I never really warmed to Uncle Mort but I’ve read all his cricket books over the years, very funny.
I was on a train this morning, in the loo, when a voice called out “Can I see your ticket please?”
“Not right now.” I replied, “I’m having a shit.”
“I don’t believe you.”, said the voice. “Slide it under the door.”
“No probs,” I said. “The yellow bits are sweetcorn!”
The managing director of IKEA has just been elected prime minister of Sweden. He has been reported as saying that he will have his cabinet together by the weekend.
The managing director of IKEA has just been elected prime minister of Sweden. He has been reported as saying that he will have his cabinet together by the weekend.
Yes, but which weekend?