A place to ask anything health related - treatment options, insurance cover requirements and recommendations, vaccinations or having a baby!
As the “dream” category was closed before I could reply … here is my reply to those of you who sent me messages of support and very comforting words
I can only thank all of you very much. I know there are many many (far too many) cancer sufferers and carers out here. What strikes me a lot is our visits to the clinic for the chimeo sessions. There we see many people in pain but the dignity and patience which all of them show is amazing
We will get through this (there is no option) and in turn I send my best wishes for strength and recovery to all of you
Hi Everyone,
I’m EU citizen and came to France for work. My employer registered me at URSSAF and I have received my URSSAF number, but I still don’t have Carte Vitale. It’s been 4 months since then. I’ve moved since they have registered with URSSAF to another part of Paris so I’m worried that the CV can be lost somewhere.
Is there anything I or my employer can do to find out what’s the status?
thank you for your comments/ help
Hello, can anyone help me please? my husband and I moved to France from the UK in October as he now works for a french company. we went to register fo a Carte Vitale today, however my husband and daughter were the only ones able to submit an application and I was told to fill out a S1 form. I am a stay at home mum and therefore do not work. I called the DWP and the HMRC and I was told by the DWP that the S1 was only for people who had been claiming benefits in the UK (I was a full time Nanny prior to moving to France) and did not apply to me, yet another person told me i have to contact the CPAM and tell them to send a SO40 to the uk, but the CPAM are insisting on the S1. can anyone help please?