Advice for employees

Hi everyone
Does anybody know of any organisations who can give free advice for employees with regard to imposed changes to working conditions? Been to France Service who are a bit too general and don’t specialise in employment law. Looking for some free advice before going down the Solicitor’s route.

L’Inspecteur de Travail is the one to go to. Also URSSAF have inspectors too, have used them in the past with bad employees.

Usually, one of the représentants syndicaux would be the first port of call. They don’t always require you to be a member of their union beforehand, especially if the change can be perceived as particularly egregious and affecting a large number of employees, but it helps.

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Yes, my other half wasn’t a member of her union but they saw her and just asked for a contribution of (I think) €15. When she went back they said she didn’t need to pay again, although she did because they were so helpful.

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Foreigners working here in France this may be the only vote you get. Please do use it. Unions in employment disputes can be very helpful especially if you don’t know the laws in place…

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Thanks for all of the above advice. We’ve tried to contact URSSAF but got nowhere, so I think using a syndicat is our best move. We are in a wine cooperative but on the commerce side, and not the production side, so does anybody know the syndicat which would be the most relevant to us?
Many thanks

Local Chambre de Commerce I would have thought.

Same as my partner. She spoke to the CGT and rated them very highly.

Excellent, thank you. We’ll approach them and hopefully they can guide us…