I am registered as an AE prof particulier. Someone has asked me to do some translation for him. Can I bill him using my Existing AE or do I need to register as A translator? Can I be registered in two different fields? Thanks
Very helpful - think I understand now, Brian!
If you have two or more activities it seems you must now decide which is your main one and declare that, the others will be deleted. I presume they mean the one that pays most really, however you have to add all of them together and present them as one and your bookkeeping correspond with that. That was also explained today which infuriated her having kept two entirely different accounts books which I supposed must now be merged for all of 2014 and certain ended as of today.
Thanks Brian - that's very interesting. However, what I was trying to do was to have the same siret no and multiple (small) activities - I thought it was possible and I seem to remember that it was something I noticed might be useful when I originally registered. But I can't trace the method for 'adding a second activity' (not replacing the first). On the actual AE forum someone has asked the same question, but there seem to be no replies! Many thanks for taking the time to reply, because it does clarify that I can't do what your OH did!
Good timing. My OH just realised that she had to make her quarterly declaration by today this morning! The siret number on the paper form she received was not the one on the net-enterprises site. So she called URSSAF, one of her numbers has be deleted but the system has not caught up. She has had two for two different jobs. Their adviser said that the older of the two will always be annulled now, so you must make a declaration against the newer. They have given her an extension until next week for a paper declaration to reach them.
That is not precisely an answer to your question, but it does tell you that it is no longer possible to have two siret numbers. The adviser says that will be how it is in the future and that if she changes activity again they must be informed and a new number issued if it is in another category of work.
I hope that helps.
I have a similar problem. I was working as a freelance copy-editor for companies in England and Ireland. The work is drying up quite a bit and I've started to give private English lessons. Should I just leave my status (Redactrice Pigiste) as it is and simply add my income from teaching into the overall income? I've just spent hours on the AE website trying to find out how to add an additional activity. I thought I could just access my dossier and do it easily. Also - if we were to do a bit of Chambre d'Hote as well, how would that go?
Same as Andrew really. My wife is a social researcher by profession but with too little work so is an estate agent part time. She registered as an AE twice, the sales stuff being on a freelance basis, but after a while they caught up with her and said she could only be one or the other. The reasons are for the social and tax regimes, that they can only charge people as individuals and not as two or three. So she keeps the first and declares income from the other and despite them having looked at her books because she is paying as she should that's that.
Yes, I used to be exactly that - prof et traducteur. Everything invoiced under the same AE registration. If you're in any doubt just put language services on the bill ;-)