"Aggregation" of French and UK pensions

Hello All
Does anyone have experience of a career split between UK and France (contributions in both) and retiring in France?
There was a thread 3 years ago, but things change!
I have seen documents on Europa
e.g. (https://europa.eu/youreurope/citizens/work/retire-abroad/state-pensions-abroad/index_en.htm)
Is this how it has worked in practice? The French authorities do the calculation at age 62+ for their pension, then redo the calculation in 2 ways at UK retirement age, to compare the national pensions and a “theoretical” pension if all the time had been worked in France (I assume this is the aggregation principle referred to in reports of Brexit negotiations).
I have had an interview (and pension simulation) with CNAV, but it didn’t seem to be as described on the Europa website. (And in a more recent simulation, the UK contribution credits have dropped off).
Clearly Brexit could change everything, but in the first instance I was wondering if currently the French pension authority really is the sole “interlocuteur” in applying European rules for new retirees in France.
Thanks in anticipation

hi there
I worked in uk from 1968 to 1980, then moved to France and worked here from 1981 to 2014 and retirement. I received the uk state pension (not too much !!) for my period working there and my French main pension for my work time here. When I retired the calculation for my French pension included all the “trimestres” from uk.

Depending on your circumstances , it is always a good investment to pay back- years to increase your UK state pension, as it is much less expensive than buying back trimesters in France. If you have any spare money it is the surest and best paying investment you can make . Have a look at the Pension Service website - https://www.gov.uk/voluntary-national-insurance-contributions

Always useful to talk with @Brian_Furzer he is our “main man” when it comes to Pensions etc…

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Thanks Philip for the information. Your ratio of time in France to UK is the opposite way round to me.
Clearly the French authority were talking to the UK authority to include your UK contributions. Did they calculate your (small) UK pension or did you have to apply to UK (perhaps you retired in France before the UK age)?
Given that France takes into account UK contributions, it might be logical to assume that the UK does the same for French contributions. However this seems too good to be true - effectively receiving 2 full pensions! Presumably they are pro-rated - which I think is what the European Commission document is saying. If I work 2/3 of my career in UK and 1/3 in France, and if I have a full contribution record in each country, I would get 2/3 of a full UK pension, and 1/3 of the French.
It would be better for me the other way round!!
Perhaps for me it would be better to use the “national” calculation method, and take a much reduced French pension (with comparatively few contributions) and increase my UK pension by paying for missed contributions (as Patrick suggests). I certainly need to ring Newcastle (I heard that voluntary contributions are going up soon) to discuss my situation.
Unfortunately my friendly and helpful specialist at CNAV has retired herself (!), so I need to find another point of contact.
And I will try Brian Furzey…
Thanks & regards

Hi Dave,
I ,m in a similar position to you with a UK French career split 24/17 yrs but not yet retired
I think the UK only takes the French contributions into account to make up to the minimum 10 years needed to trigger a pension,if you already have this they won,t add any extra years.
I applied through the French pensions service Carsat(,Convention Internationale) to bring over my UK qualifying years, 2 years ago and was awarded the corresponding trimestres for the French pension which I,ll receive if I choose to at 62 if I have all the 166 trimestres required and 67 if I don,t( or if there is Hard Brexit,as I,m not 62 until a couple of months after Bday.)
At 60 I have just had another French pension simulation and like you the UK contributions were not taken into account,but apparently this is normal they are not lost when you actually claim it

Yes it is pro-rata and the uk pension is paid from uk separately to the french pension. I retired at age 63 so my uk pension did not kick in until 65.

Thanks Carol
I need to look into Carsat. I hadn’t heard of it. I have dealt with CNAV.
Reassuring about the UK contributions.
I am 62 just before Brexit Day. I will take advice nearer the time (in the light of what has been negotiated), to see if is better to retire before.
