Air conditioner behaviour

Came back to the house with roaring temperature outside and went to turn the a/c (fujitsu) on with the remote and nothing except couple of ‘beeps’ and lights on the front flashing briefly. Brief panic set in. I have a couple of the units and two remote controls. Head scratching as batteries in both remotes are relatively new, so tried the one remote on both units and both had the same symptoms with neither unit turning on :roll_eyes: So then I tried the second remote and bingo, it could turn both units on. How very very strange, as yesterday both remotes were working absolutely fine.

So I’ve been thinking about what could have caused the upset but still have no idea, unless I accidentally pressed a button on the remote that somehow disables the system. The non working remote now functions fine as there is a reset button but all rather strange!

Reading the manual in my quest to try to diagnose the issue the manual mentions the units should not be powered off, which I have in fact been doing, but don’t know why you shouldn’t do this, so much appreciate anyones input on this, as I was turning them off as they still appeared to be consuming about 150w when turned off.

Do both your indoor units share one outside compressor? We have 2 units that share and if accidently one or the other is switched to a different mode, (auto, cool or heat) than the other, neither work and behave as you described. Setting both back to the same mode restores normality.

Yes indeed, both indoor units are linked to one outdoor unit, so maybe the issue you described is what happened, but normality was restored after pressing the reset button on the remote in question, hurrah!

By any chance have you heard anything about not switching the power off to the units, as it remains a mystery to me why that is not recommended by fujitsu. The only thought I had was whether the units go through some sort of cycle after they’ve been used and turning off the power too early maybe risks damaging something???

With our units they go through a condensation/ moisture drying cycle from time to time when switched off (by using the remote controller), which obviously they cannot do if they are without power. It advisedly stops mould, etc and bad smells on startup. Ours also “know” how much time they have been running and tell you when they need filter cleaning etc, but only if they are powered up. I imagine they all do similar.

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Ah good points - thanks for that as couldn’t find any info anywhere :+1::+1: