Any cheerful news today? (Nothing negative please! 🙂)

I love the viaduct, but mainly from a distance, normally always used the route through the town to save money (for dog adopters) except if there was some urgency and they preferred to pay.

However, it can be a bit of a trial for a light vehicle if there is a strong crosswind. One time as I approached it I allowed a solid and fully loaded tipper lorry to overtake me and then, by means of hand signals for explanation, matched his speed to keep in the lee of his bulk. He understood completely and, once safely amongst the hills again, we bad each other a cheery wave in goodbye and thanks. :joy:

Another time, another place I was driving my loaded lorry down the M1 in similarly dangerous conditions. Ahead of me was a Transit box van, very light and very exposed, as evidenced by the fact that it was almost up on 2 wheels with every gust. So I overtook until I sheltered him completely by slowing down to his pace and was pleased to see that he was now stable.

Imagine my surprise when the dopey sod, on seeing me slow down, then accelerated to get ahead of me again and back into the full force of the gale. :astonished:
I tried once more with the same result and then continued on my way leaving him to his lurching progress. Never knew if he made it or not. :roll_eyes:

I felt more like “Mandy” from the Dick Emery show - “ooh you are awful but I like you”. Imagine putting an ad on LBC for a foot massage in the most innocent of senses and finding what might come crawling out of the fetish woodwork!

4 months after taking the French language exam (and hearing we’d passed it, much to our great surprise) we each received one of these this morning -

C’est avec une immense joie que nous vous accueillerons Ă  l’ occasion de la CĂ©rĂ©monie RĂ©publicaine de remise des DiplĂŽmes DELF - DALF, accompagnĂ©(e) de la personne de votre choix.

Cette cérémonie se tiendra :

le samedi 11 novembre 2023

etc etc with time and place added.

This was something of a surprise, I must say, but any excuse for a celebration :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:


Wonderful it’ll be just after the monument aux morts, very fitting :slightly_smiling_face:

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Must admit I thought the date was
 unusual :thinking:

I suspect that Officials will already be in the locality for 11 Novembre parade/flags/speeches, which makes it an ideal day for your Ceremony
 2 events on the same day, very good planning.


What surprised me was that there was any sort of ceremony associated with passing an exam at B1 level, even if it did call itself a diploma!!!

And me! I just got it handed over at a reception desk, and so did OH for his C2 DALF diploma.

Enjoy it!

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My three year old grandson is currently outside giving his dad orders on putting up my rear fence panels and wielding a small spirit level. Talk about a bossyboots but its lovely to see father and son, reminds me of my husband and same son when he was that age working outside together. He will probably be shouting thé nanny at any moment.


I was expecting it to arrive through the post! I think this might be because of where we took the DELF/DALF thing - at a branch of Alliance Française

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We did ours at the Institut Français in London, which is 2 seconds from the French consulate and in the heart of South Ken, ie French-London. Not so much as a handshake!

Hope you get a canapé

That would be nice - as would a small glass of something :rofl:

I wonder if the cultural difference between France itself and France-in-the-UK is significant :thinking:

Not belittling your achievement but I would have thought your OH’s C2 would most definitely have merited something good!

Don’t worry, he does! Reckons his DALF diploma is twice as good as my DELF diploma

Everything I’ve received has got DELF/DALF on it so I don’t know what it is! What’s the difference?

I folded 50 origami containers and filled them with a sticky assortment of 200% sugar sweets for this afternoon’s Halloween promenade organised for the village children

Lollipops and wrapped sweets for the older ones coming later.


Brilliant idea, fill the kids up with sugar and then send them back to their parents :sunglasses::grin::laughing:


Sponsored by the local dentists no doubt. :rofl:

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Actually you will probably find its the parents who eat most of the sweets, they just send the kids to get them first!

Outside use of water restrictions have been lifted today but still no rain apart from a quick shower last night and nothing forecast this week. My car bodywork is more mud than metal at the moment.

Marshmallows halfcoated in really dark chocolate
 are absolutely delicious :wink: :wink:

and the Cheerful News is that I’ve made enough to share with neighbours and still have some left for OH to enjoy :+1: