Bayrou feeling drowned by immigration

A radio interview with the Prime Minister last week mentioned the “feeling of submersion” generated by immigration. Words that he repeated the next day, within the National Assembly, causing some outrage.

Since we are in theory part of his problem you might find this article interesting. It also gives a bit of ammunition for debating this with like minded friends and neighbours


If I have understood it correctly, and I might well have not done, I am surprised that it is Bayrou of all people who feel this way. I always assumed that he was the closest French party leader to the LibDems in Britain.

Or have I missed the point completely in translation? Wouldn’t be the first time in recent years.

T.R : C’est le signe inquiétant d’une distanciation des personnalités politiques avec la réalité chiffrée et celle des études, de la recherche.