If you go onto the Ameli website and put your postcode in, it will tell you the relevant CPAM address. (You will need to put your immatriculation number in the form though)
You send the form to your caisse d’assurance maladie (CPAM) dependant upon where you live and as @Mark says, in your Ameli account in «Mes informations» it tells you the name of your caisse. Click on the arrow next to it and it brings up another page giving all the contact details - click on «par courrier» and you will see the address of your caisse (dependant on where you live).
Coming back to this topic, I’d welcome help please.
OH was given a brown form on Monday after a consultation that he paid for
Following up on @JaneJones comment about being able to send it off online, I am on the Ameli website and struggling to find out whether I can do this or not - no obvious sign of a contact page or “send us your scanned brown form here”. Looks to me like I have to put it in the post.
I’ve a feeling our Pharmacy dealt with the last one I had… but it was a few years ago…
( I used to just put them in the CPAM letterbox in our nearby town)
can you attach a scan of the brown form… in the Messagerie bit on Ameli ???
Thanks Vanessa. Useful to have confirmation. I’ve already found the address to send to - it’s Agen. I’ll take a copy and pop it into the post tomorrow. These days, rarely have to do this. usually it’s via the CV machine, but the secretary could not get the machine to work. Hence the paper.