Buying a flat in Paris - and need legal advice

My son, who has studied, lived and worked in Paris for nearly 10 years is now looking to buy a tiny flat with his girlfriend. He has a small inheritance to bring over from the UK and will need a mortgage. Can anyone recommend:

*     a notaire well versed in British/French inheritance tax?
*     sources of advice to avoid the common legal pitfalls

Would be very grateful for any guidance.

My advice for him is to do quite a lot of research so he knows the questions to ask rather than relying completely on trusting a professional advisor. We bought our flat in Paris over 20 years ago so no point providing you with out of date contacts!

He should look carefully at “clause tontine” if they are not married or pac’sed. Pros and cons of using this clause so needs to reflect on their specific situation and aspirations for the future.

And he can write a will under English law, bypassing French succession rules but not inheritance tax (which is where the tontine can be useful).

Presumably if he’s been in Paris 10 years he is fluent in French, and knows the price of flats :scream:

My other piece of advice is to investigate thoroughly the coprop/syndic charges of any flat he considers. Don’t just believe what agent says but ask for documentation especially about works already voted.


Thank you very much for your very wise advice. I will pass it on to my son. He is indeed fluent in the language but as innocent as any first-time buyer. As you say, the prices are eye-watering.

@cat x

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