Can we move to France with our pitbull?

Hello! We are hoping to move to France in October 2025 but are worried about the pitbull ban. Our Bailey is an american staffy mix and loves people and other dogs. I understand she will have to wear a muzzle in public but now I’m afraid we will have trouble finding an apartment to rent. Does anyone know how strict landlords are and other experience with having this kind of dog in France? Thanks so much!

Is your dog a pedigree one? Presumably not if a cross? There is a big difference as pedigree staff are cat 2, so ok subject to some restrictions.

A lot will depend on the vet’s certificate.

As for rental you cannot forbid people to have a pet, unless cat 1. But landlords will find a way if they don’t want a dog.

Yes Holly, from your description, you have a category 1 dog that you cannot technically import. BUT, what exactly is your dog? Is there ‘American’ in him/her or can you prove that s/he is just a large Staffy? Do you know the exact mix? Have you had a DNA analysis?

As for landlord’s, at the end of the day, they can do or find a way to say no. I took my three English bull terriers - a category 3 dog in France - into my local tax office once and was promptly held there until the local chaps in blue were called! I had to do quite some protestations to leave the place as I came in :grinning:

I’m not surprised they weren’t happy - THREE!


It will be fine as long as it identifies as a poodle :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


Nah - they just stand there looking dopey :slightly_smiling_face:

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There is a ban for a reason Holly. As a dog (and cat) lover I can understand owners thinking their pet is harmless, until it isn’t.

Why do people buy these dangerous dogs? Our cocker was snappy enough.


Hi all, yes 75% am staffy and 15% boxer. @John_Scully she is not dangerous at all and the worse she would do is wiggle her butt off when she gteets you. I do understand that pitbulls have had some bad press and some have been bred to fight but we have trained her and are very careful with her around squirrels and bunnies.

On her adoption papers she is a lab mix. I’m hoping my vet will be able to transfer that into her description/papers. I read also that cat 1 dogs can “resemble” the banned breed. Argh! If she cannot enter and live in France, we will have to settle in Belgium.

I appreciate any other insight!

Yet, Holly.

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IF, as you now say, the dog is a staff boxer cross with papers that say a lab cross, why pray, do you add the tags ‘American’ and ‘pitbull’? This rings alarm bells and certainly will to anyone in France tasked with verification.

I suggest you instigate a DNA test.

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Our neighbour has two dubious looking Staffy/ bulldogs ( mother and daughter). They run at the fence every time I walk my spaniel past . They are scary in their demeanour but the owner said they are ok. The other day I asked him why only one was in the garden and he told me the daughter attacked the mother and the mother is now badly mauled with an ear missing! Why people feel the need to own such dogs escapes me!


Small Man Syndrome?

“I’m well hard me, coz I got this dangerous dog innit.”

Pits and pit crosses are dangerous due to the damage they can cause in a moment and in that it is their very nature to do this.

You could have a pet crocodile, call it Fluffy and put a pink collar on it. None of which changes its nature and it will always think of its owner as Food and wait for the moment when Food isn’t paying fully attention to Fluffy and has strayed within striking range.


There have been no end of incidents in the past couple of years all over the world with these types of breeds. I would not want one anywhere near myself or family to be honest and the french authorities take the issue very seriously should something occur.

Generally most accidents are due to the owners’ lack of training, lack of attention and putting the dog in a stressful situation. But anyway, pitbulls aren’t the worst offenders.

D’après une enquête de l’Agence nationale de sécurité sanitaire, aucun lien n’existe entre la race d’un chien et le risque d’être mordu. Sur la liste des animaux les plus agressifs figurent le berger allemand mais aussi le labrador.


There is a large ownership of the leading breeds and far less of the pit bull varieties so is that data adjusted to reflect that. Dont ever remember hearing of a death by jack russel, sure they can be nippy little beggars.


Being a dog lover - prefer ‘em to humans - I totally abhor the desire/need for these killer breeds. imo, the government is too lenient in classification, but as you say Shiba, dog incidents are taken seriously.

I feel so sorry for the Staffordshire Bull Terrier that endures its name given to these horrible American pitbull dogs. A proper Staff is an adorable little dog, 35cms odd at the withers and 20kg max, and a gentle, intelligent dog as one could wish for. My affinity is with the English Bull Terrier. Thankfully their name is unsullied - mind you, they are so daft that maybe precludes anyone wishing to interbreed them :rofl:

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Dogs are pack animals. The moment they feel challenged or threatened by anyone below them in the pack hierarchy or outside of the pack, they are going to revert to their base nature.

Most breeds have been gentrified for hundreds of generations and now have primary instincts to protect (German Shepherd et all) or to herd (collies) etc.

Pitbulls have only ever been bred and used for fighting. You might own an outwardly placid one, but it’s basically a loaded gun with a faulty firing mechanism in that it’s only a question of when it goes off and not if.


I would be over the moon to see (chat to, pat) 3 bull terriers :heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes:

So true.

Surely the data is only meaningful if we know what % of each breed has bitten someone. As Corona says, this merely tells you what proportion of these dogs there are in France. If the number of Pitbulls in France is 0,5% of the total dog population then the fact that 4% of total biters are Pitbulls shows there is a real problem.
Mind you, you’re not very likely to come across a Pitbull but you could well come across an Alsatian.
My Mum had a Jack Russell who was a super dog. She lived with us in her final years but we were out at work all day. Answering the door to strangers when she was on her own, with her Jack by her side, most (who were usually offering to tarmac our drive!) would take a step backwards.

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Hi all,
I do not want to debate the topic and I do understand the concern. We are responsible dog owners; Bailey is trained and on leash when outside. We are prepared to muzzle her if that allows us to realize our dream to retire in France. We don’t want to give that up yet, nor leave our Bailey behind.

If anyone knows of a pitbull owner or group that may be helpful, I’d appreciate it.
Thank you!