Seems like perhaps they’re asking for something irrelevant to your situation by mistake. Assuming it is this they want and aren’t using the wrong term and just want a certificate de residence from the mairie or such.
Your Carte De Sejour is your Carte De Resident.
Please take precious care of it, and don’t lose it!!!
I really wouldn’t worry. The nomenclature for titres de séjour is not crystal clear, and there are many. In general a carte de séjour is, as the name suggests, something that is for a visit here of various lengths of 6 months to 5 years). A carte de résident is something, again as the name suggests, that is for a permanent resident. That is what your card is as although the validity of the actual card is 10 years your rights are now permanent.
(Take a photo of it, and keep that safe!)
A copy of my carte de sejour is now attached to an email, in my computer photo folder, in an external storage disk, and the original is in my credit card wallet in the open window part which I never look at because I’ve never been asked in 30 years to see it, until now, which is why I suppose I forgot I had one in the first place!
Goody, goody! Look what I have just received from the notaire re my carte de sejour - google translated…
"Hello sir,
I confirm that the residence permit you have, namely a permanent residence card - article 50 bearing the mention “Agreement with withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the EU” valid until 09/02/2031 is the only and unique document which allows you to justify the regularity of your stay in France. This title was issued to you following Brexit and because you have justified having resided for more than 5 years on French territory before Brexit.
The notary therefore does not have to ask you for another document to justify your legal residence.
Best regards,"
How about that! Now I can proceed purchasing that bloody barn which has been gradually decaying away for the last 8 years!
And thanks everybody!
Addendum. I didn’t read the email properly - rushing to conclusions. The email was from the Charente Maritime Prefecture - didn’t expect such a speedy response!
Things are moving fast now, after waiting eight years. Have a meeting next Tuesday for a signing ceremony, at last!
I thought anyone with a UK passpor resident in France had to apply for the WARP. Withdrawal Agreement Resident Permit
going by the notaires words, “Article 50”. this is the card he has… Johnny foreigner can apply for the Titre de Sejour? My friends had expired Titre de Sejour from 2000, it was not renewed, but it negatec the documents in the application and allowed automatic WARP with just passports
Brits resident in France before the UK left the EU did not have to apply for the WARP card (also a Titre de Sejour), but they would have been foolish not to.
Brits are now classed as everyone else outside the EU, and do now have to apply for the same kind of titre as the rest of the world (EU citizens excepted).
Is this what you mean?
Brits resident in France before the UK left the EU did not have to apply for the the CdS EU card (also a Titre de Sejour), but they would have been foolish not to. Brits resident in France without french nationality when the UK left the EU did have to apply for the WARP card (also a Titre de Sejour), they would have been foolish not to.
Otherwise I’m very confused
I think I see what you mean, @kirsteastevenson , but a valid titre de sejour would only be needed if they wished to remain in France - i.e. obtain titre de sejour or return from whence they originated and revert to visiting France as a tourist {90/180 rules etc)
Some British friends of friends of ours own property here and chose not to get the titre de séjour. They flip flop between France, the UK and (I think) Lichtenstein in their motorhome. Our friends tried to explain their rationale… Think it has something to do with pensions or tax but to be honest I wasn’t particularly interested - I’m not a big fan of people buying property here and not integrating or even attempting to do so.
If you have a complicated family structure the French inheritance laws and inheritance tax can be extremely off-putting to becoming a French resident.
Ah yes, I don’t know if they had kids but admittedly I hadn’t considered that.
We went to see our notaire here recently to discuss our English wills, as all the advice seems to be that we should swap to French wills following latest changes. Having set out the family structure he thought for a few seconds, put down his pen, firmly closed his dossier, and made clear it would be against his advice!!