Carte de résident

I think I’m going to need some help here.

I’ve been waiting 8 years to buy the broken-down old barn attached to the side of my house, which I now have authority to buy, and I have signed the first document saying that I do indeed wish to buy.

I have just received an email from the notaire dealing with this asking – ‘ Dans le cadre de votre dossier nous avons besoin de la copie de votre carte de résident’.

I have lived in my current house, with barn by its side for 30 years, and I do not have, or ever had, a ‘carte de resident’. Didn’t need it when I came to live in France.

Any advice will be gratefully received.

Have you got French or another EU citizenship? If neither, have you started the process to get a carte de séjour?

I had in the beginning some 30 years or so ago a carte de sejour, which is very much out of date, and which is still around the house somewhere.

And no, I haven’t started the process of getting a carte de sejour. Is that the seme as a carte de resident, which is what the notaire is asking for.

I have a British passport , that’s all.

Surely you are in a shaky position aren’t you? I thought it was obligatory to have a CdS under the WA, isn’t it? I think you need to get the process started quickly, I hope everything is ok for you.

Do you actually live in France full time? They want to see you’re living here legally, that’s all it is I assume, which, well, from the information you’ve given so far… :thinking: :face_with_diagonal_mouth:

I 'd forgotten - I do have an ATTESTATION D’ENREGISTREMENT N°29-105213. Does that help?

I have lived in France fulltime for 30 years…

Were you not aware that following Brexit, British citizens no longer have the automatic right to live in France? It was quite weil publicised at the time.
Que doit faire une personne britannique pour rester en France après le Brexit ? |

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It sounds like you need to get on to the prefecture pretty damn fast then. It sounds, with very limited information obviously, like you applied for a CDS but never actually received it. The attestation is I assume only evidence that you applied, not that you have one or are entitled to residency. It sounds, again from the very limited information you’ve said, like there’s perhaps been an administrative issue and you’ve not completed the process and actually got the card. After 30 years it is more an administrative procedure than anything getting one, but I would suggest you very urgently get on to the powers that be (presumably the prefecture) perhaps your mairie could get involved and contact them too if you have a good rapport, and explain and get the ball rolling.


Sorry everyone - I have just found my carte de sejour - had forgotten I applied for it in 2021 - valid 'til 2031 says PERMANENT! Was never any good with officialdom…! Hate it!

I’m assuming a carte de sejour is the same as a carte de résident?


Forgive me all. That must have been a senior moment!


Look on the bright side - you’re not going to get deported😃


I’ve just sent a copy of my CdS to the notaire, feeling smug…! This wasn’t a memory problem - but I have a tendency to forget about disaggreable matters, in this case bureaucracy!

As @Mark said, at least you don’t have to start packing, although at least you had the details of a notaire to hand if after 30 years you needed to sell up I guess :see_no_evil: Seriously though, I’m so glad that’s all sorted, you had me very worried on your behalf for a moment there, I’d have imagined it was just that you didn’t understand what was asked for or such ordinarily, but it was the fact that you seemed to have no knowledge of having/ needing a CDS that was worrying! But all is well!

When I realised what this was all about, I can see myself going through the bureaucratic antics of getting this carte de sejour, sourcing the procedure on-line, filling in the forms, finding the right place to go to, where to park, the waiting in line, talking with the person dealing with it, having a photo taken etc.

Glad it’s all over – phew!

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Join the club.

Good wind-up though @Bonzocat. Well done

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I’m still not absolutely sure that all is well just yet. I’ve been asked for a ‘carte de resident’ which is not the same as a ‘carte de sejour’, to conclude the purchase of the barn attached to my house.

I have therefore sent an email for some sort of clarification to the Charente Maritime prefecture. Hope they reply!

Your mairie my be able to help you here by providing you with an “attestation de residence” especially if you have lived in the same property for any length of time.

On my carte de sejour, to the right of my photo and just below my signature it says RESIDENCE PERMIT, which makes this all the more confusing! RESIDENCE PERMIT = Carte de résident?

My carte de sejour is as this one found on the internet.

I shall pop into the mairie, SuePJ, if I don’t get a prompt response from the prefecture.
