Carte de séjour original web site 2019

Just wondering if anyone else like me registered on the original web site which then soon closed for a carte de séjour back in 2019.
Has anyone recieved any response yet from them ?

Hi Ron,
If you applied on the ‘no-deal’ portal in late 2019 / early 2020 you dont’ need to re-apply, the prefecture will get in touch with you. Each prefecture is taking different amounts of time and some are better than others. As long as you had your original email confirmation you are in the queue.

Yes thats what I did, just wondering if anyone had been contacted yet?

Yes lots of people have been, for example those in the Dordogne have already been cleared and they are working on the new applications (I applied in october and got my card in December). As i said it depends what departmetn you live in. If you give us yoru departement then perhaps someone living there can answer you. Without that the only answer is ‘yes some have’.

I think Dordogne is exceptional as they have received additional funds for support staff… also Brittany and one other area I think? Everywhere else the préfecture staff are I guess just having to make space in their workload so I’m not expecting ours to appear any time soon!

Applied in Oct’19 , had the rdv in late Oct’20 and our cards arrived just after Christmas.

I Live near Paimpol so it should be st Brieuc prefecture

Hi de hi. The Prefectura de Herault based in Montpellier has an incredibly small office to process, no doubt, the huge amount of applications that have been received. We applied on 20 October 2020, received the automatic response email, and now it is just a waiting game.

Cheers - Steve

Both my wife and I received an email invite to the Préfecture in Bordeaux in a couple of weeks time for the Carte de Séjour- for document Check, fingerprints and submit photos:


Votre demande de titre de séjour a été instruite par la préfecture. Elle porte le numéro suivant : [xxxxxx]( (numéro «GED» à rappeler dans vos futures démarches).

Nous vous proposons un rendez-vous le XX/01/2021 à xxhxx au guichet n°22 à la préfecture de Préfecture de la Gironde, - pour finaliser votre démarche (prise d’empreintes biométriques et photographie).

Lors de ce rendez-vous, vous devrez vous munir de ce mail (ou, en cas d’impossibilité de l’imprimer, du numéro de référence indiqué ci-dessus) ainsi que des pièces suivantes:
• votre passeport ;
• une photographie d’identité récente (format 35 mm x 45 mm) (pas de copie).

Yes, and no.